Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I did look into that but they're not open sores. Now that I'm thinking about it, the blood could've been from my main roo. The other day, I had to blue coat his foot. He had blood dribbles down it from a broken feather. I'm wondering if it was bleeding again. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on the girls feet. Like I said, it's not all of them but about half and non of them are open sores but look like small scabs on the bottoms of their feet. I live my girls, more than I ever thought I would lol. I worry about the smallest things lol. Speaking of which, today I let Cloud have her babies out all afternoon without supervision. She's doing a WONDERFUL job with those babies! She hasn't list any of them lol and they're starting the mix with the big girls a bit. They're still returning to the small coop at night but I'm guessing it won't be much longer til she takes them into the big coop. The oldest babies will be 4 weeks old tomorrow
I know you will keep an eye on them, sometimes you have to 'open' the scab to really see what the deal is, I am not a vet, just know from experience and others..i know you really care about your girls!! .
., I really cared about the Cornishx ,..i know what is going to happen, but you still want them to have a "good" life.
I hope everyone has not gone to bed yet..
I have a question... about these "crow collars" they actually work???
DH said he would love to have a rooster..yeah, i know...i think the body snatchers have been here lately..anyway...he will not have crowing..none-zip-zilch..soooooo, with baited breath, i wait for any ones reply!!!:fl  

Is it the sound of a rooster that he is against, different breeds of rooster can sound different...I am biased though, I would be lost without the crowing.. what you gonna do when a hen crows.

To answer your earlier question, my daughter got tired of me saying I did not want to do anything on Sunday since my hands would just throb, she bought me a pair of mittens and a bunch of hand warmers, I sleep in them on Saturday night. It really does help..
Is it the sound of a rooster that he is against, different breeds of rooster can sound different...I am biased though, I would be lost without the crowing.. what you gonna do when a hen crows.

To answer your earlier question, my daughter got tired of me saying I did not want to do anything on Sunday since my hands would just throb, she bought me a pair of mittens and a bunch of hand warmers, I sleep in them on Saturday night. It really does help..
have you tried icy hot? my momma used to use it on her hands and ankles before she went to bed, it must have helped or she wouldn't have continued to use it(.for when you can't wear gloves and hand warmers)
Is it the sound of a rooster that he is against, different breeds of rooster can sound different...I am biased though, I would be lost without the crowing.. what you gonna do when a hen crows.

To answer your earlier question, my daughter got tired of me saying I did not want to do anything on Sunday since my hands would just throb, she bought me a pair of mittens and a bunch of hand warmers, I sleep in them on Saturday night. It really does help..

peppermint essential oil, diluted in a carrier oil will help that a lot also :)
For winter.....................I stapled on some plastic on the very large open spaces I had.............and left smaller open spaces for the much needed ventilation at the very top of the coop to avoid the condensation. I think there are enough small gaps here and there in our construction technique that other ventilation is also available. Plus I will open windows a bit in the daytime in the long as it is not raining or sleeting etc.

Dry dry dry.........and no wind over roosts...........seems best

the usual good food and clean water. water provided more frequently for mine since I do not run electric to the coop so the water will freeze. Last year I was able to put out a bowl or two in the morning and then again in the late afternoon .

Run: I bagged leaves in the fall and this was so helpful when we had really cold stretches with snow, melt, mud, ice, melt etc............the run was a cold muddy icey mess so then I would open a bag of leaves so they would have something dryer and warmer under foot. I also put some long branch in the run so they could stand on wood -----even a big tree stump. I figured if they would perch on the dry yet cold wood.............this would help prevent frostbite on their feet.

Question: I have been using mechanical traps to try and reduce mice and other rodents. They seem to learn to avoid these though. I have changed locations and food lures etc.......even different kinds of traps............I still catch some...........usually the younger ones. My question bad would it be to use poison?
I really want to get rid of these critters!

If i toss some poision in the holes I see they have should kill them when they eat it....................right?

What if they come into the run and then I have a dead poisioned rodent...............this might harm the chickens...................I dont want to do that................

any advice on this....

I want the rodents gone and the chickens fine

I know there will always be this challenge as where there is food animals will come..............I try to make sure there is no food out in the run at night and the food in the coop is in a feeder that is hung by a a suspended feeder.

I want to get rid of the bulk of the rodents..........NOW...............what would you do
Arrrrgh! The dreaded rodents... be careful putting poison into the rat holes. The leader to our 4-H club just lost her main coop of chickens this summer from rat poison. She popped the chunks into the rat holes making sure to get them in there deep enough that the chickens couldn't reach. There was a torrential down pour of rain, it flooded the rat holes and poisoned the water, she lost all the birds in that coop.

LMP! Don't shoot the messenger? I had no idea that you were so biased against Silkies!
Is it the sound of a rooster that he is against, different breeds of rooster can sound different...I am biased though, I would be lost without the crowing.. what you gonna do when a hen crows.

To answer your earlier question, my daughter got tired of me saying I did not want to do anything on Sunday since my hands would just throb, she bought me a pair of mittens and a bunch of hand warmers, I sleep in them on Saturday night. It really does help..
it is more because of the neighbors..we are closer than we would like to be obviously..we wouldn't HAVE ot keep rooster form crowing, know how it goes...this is only our 2nd year back to the house and A LOT has changed, so..we would like to try to keep things as amicable as possible....just wondered if anyone has/had used this device before..if it really cuts the sound down..and as far as the hens crowing..
well, they do go "OFF" when sounding that "get that egg outta here" song...if we could keep the rooster UNDER that noise, that would be workable and I would be able to BREED!..see, this is MY end for all this okay....I want to BREED my own birds, so i may have what i want/need..when i want/need..I am totally sure you all here understand that little beast with-in...

That whole hand warmer thing sounds very should really look into a hand wax warmer..i am not foolin' Wing...had it in the salon and it is like magic, for all those with bad-arthritic hands/wrists...brought it into the house...sometimes it can be the only thing that gets the fingers is so nice.
have you tried icy hot? my momma used to use it on her hands and ankles before she went to bed, it must have helped or she wouldn't have continued to use it(.for when you can't wear gloves and hand warmers) the avatar!!..hahaha..i had tried that stuff with the "natural" chemical..omgosh...i am very sensitive to that & will never be using it again!!..had a chemical-like burn for awhile, it was not nice.
Arrrrgh! The dreaded rodents... be careful putting poison into the rat holes. The leader to our 4-H club just lost her main coop of chickens this summer from rat poison. She popped the chunks into the rat holes making sure to get them in there deep enough that the chickens couldn't reach. There was a torrential down pour of rain, it flooded the rat holes and poisoned the water, she lost all the birds in that coop.

LMP! Don't shoot the messenger? I had no idea that you were so biased against Silkies!
hahaha..see this is what i was afraid of., you like getting me into trouble?@!
...that is not what i meant..
..i was one a thread...i think the marans ..not completely sure, but anyway...someone had stated that they have had Silkies for a long time and compared to the other breeds they had , well, the silkies were not the brightest bulbs...and a bunch of others agreed. I should have said.."don't shoot the repeater"....that is what i should have said..I have NOTHING against i am gonna hafta go away for awhile just so people don't hurt me....hahhaha, you all know i am only joking anyway...what the heck do I know about silkies?! geesh, i am not against any bird.,....i have had my birds..wyandottes and Marans for only 2 years now..I am in NO WAY an expert in anything...but i do read quite a bit

I am So sorry to hear about the losses from your 4-H leader..that is truly awful!!
Is it the sound of a rooster that he is against, different breeds of rooster can sound different...I am biased though, I would be lost without the crowing.. what you gonna do when a hen crows.

To answer your earlier question, my daughter got tired of me saying I did not want to do anything on Sunday since my hands would just throb, she bought me a pair of mittens and a bunch of hand warmers, I sleep in them on Saturday night. It really does help..

have you tried icy hot? my momma used to use it on her hands and ankles before she went to bed, it must have helped or she wouldn't have continued to use it(.for when you can't wear gloves and hand warmers)

I live by your avatar.

I refuse to use icy hot or mind remembers those smells coming from the old people....I am sure some of you know what I mean..
That must sound terrible.
Now i need a diversion...Thanks Blarney..
..not anything to do with chickens, but to dang cute not to share...

She was a pirate, lost her head gear somewhere..hahaha
She is gonna love the bunnies this spring!!

Oh, i do have a question for **ChickiesChick..or **Wing, what breed of rabbit are you using right now?..i have started the in-depth research mode of this the questions may come a little more frequently..heehee, ...thank you so much, i do appreciate everything!
So tired . . . but the new coop is almost finished!!
it is 12 x 24, so it can hold lots of chickens. Still needs a few small things, but I anticipate moving birds in there next weekend. Wish I had some pics, but I was just too tired to find the camera, then it got dark so early.

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