Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi and welcome from the Poconos! What breeds of chickens do you want and/or have?

Hi there! We are hoping to get our first chicks this Spring. My plans are for Australorps, RIRs, and Barred Rocks. In Oct of last year, we moved to a 12 acre farm that had sat empty for nearly 3 years, so there are many repairs to be made, but still lots of land to work with. There is a chicken house that is original to the farm circa late 1800s that is remarkably in good shape. I suspect it was well maintained up until the last owners left. We plan on updating that and adding a large run.

Hi there! We are hoping to get our first chicks this Spring. My plans are for Australorps, RIRs, and Barred Rocks. In Oct of last year, we moved to a 12 acre farm that had sat empty for nearly 3 years, so there are many repairs to be made, but still lots of land to work with. There is a chicken house that is original to the farm circa late 1800s that is remarkably in good shape. I suspect it was well maintained up until the last owners left. We plan on updating that and adding a large run.

That has a lot of potential! The hardest part with old buildings is getting them predator proof.
Hi there! We are hoping to get our first chicks this Spring. My plans are for Australorps, RIRs, and Barred Rocks. In Oct of last year, we moved to a 12 acre farm that had sat empty for nearly 3 years, so there are many repairs to be made, but still lots of land to work with. There is a chicken house that is original to the farm circa late 1800s that is remarkably in good shape. I suspect it was well maintained up until the last owners left. We plan on updating that and adding a large run.

We have black australorps and RIRs... they are great birds!

Critters, once they get 'dialed in' on a food source can be a bear to get them to break off...I had a ground hog challenge both me and my 80lb  pooch over a bird feeder full of seeds(took an hour to chase him off) glad your pooch was willing to toe the line....never heard of a fox being so might want a shotgun with a heavy advised, they will be back....

That fox was about 3 feet away from me and even after I fired a shot at him, he only ran about 20 yards. My second shot was no where near him but he still didn't run. I ran to grab another shell, put a third shell in & it just stood there a few feet from me staring at me. Really freaked me out. Hubby and I think he was rabid. Pretty sure I hit him, he rolled around and took off. I didn't have the energy to track it and my 5 year old was in the house. Till my other half got home the snow covered all the tracks, he walked around the property but couldn't find anything.

Brought the barn cats in the garage last night and used some squirrel to bait traps. No foot prints or anything in the traps. Shotgun was on my shoulder when I went to feed today. No sign of mr. fox.

I'm hoping I got him but I guess time will tell.
That fox was about 3 feet away from me and even after I fired a shot at him, he only ran about 20 yards. My second shot was no where near him but he still didn't run. I ran to grab another shell, put a third shell in & it just stood there a few feet from me staring at me. Really freaked me out. Hubby and I think he was rabid. Pretty sure I hit him, he rolled around and took off. I didn't have the energy to track it and my 5 year old was in the house. Till my other half got home the snow covered all the tracks, he walked around the property but couldn't find anything.

Brought the barn cats in the garage last night and used some squirrel to bait traps. No foot prints or anything in the traps. Shotgun was on my shoulder when I went to feed today. No sign of mr. fox.

I'm hoping I got him but I guess time will tell.
Predators around here are just really bold. It is not rabies. They are just not afraid. They make eye contact and will not run, ever. Opossums, Coyote, skunk, raccoon, they all are unafraid. I love having wildlife around, so I just leave them be. I figure they were here first and are just looking for food, so I just attempt a predator proof night house and chalk up day losses to free ranging and living naturally.

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