Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I don't have time to search right now through more threads. I am so frustrated. Looking for sand without silica. I was told somewhere contractors sand. All say "may contain silica". The play sand packaging cannot be read, the lettering is so poorly printed. So I'm guessing not the QUICKRETE brand. What brand of sand do you use and where can I find it? I've been to Home Depot & Lowes.

Sand is pure silica, as is glass. The thing you are trying to avoid is the very fine particles that can become airborne and then inhaled. I would say play sand is the "safest", who would want to get sued for causing lung disease is children.

Are you using this for chicks in a brooder or a run for outdoor chickens?
Play sand should work fine. Masonry sand may work, but I believe is rather fine.

Personally I'd get masonry sand. It's cheap. It's the stuff they use in mortar, it doesn't have any big pieces as that wouldn't work in block and brick. You don't want the stuff they use for concrete.

Remember, I've never used it for chickens. I just don't see silica dust being a huge problem since mine bath in wood ashes and if you make them wet you get potassium hydroxide which is similar to lye and caustic.
I am so green with envy....I haven't even started on my boat......thats a nice dinner!!!
thats a nice fish, kinda looks like a giant mullet, which i love
I had one of my eggs hatch today. They are supposed to hatch tomorrow. What a nice Mother's day surprise. The little one keeps calling out to her siblings to hatch. I hope by morning I have an incubator of little ones.
IMO, I would rehome the sebright first. My sebright was the absolute worst rooster I've ever had. SOOO agressive to anything that moved. My girl Chippy whooped his butt every time he started crap with her. I hated him so much, I couldn't give him away.

Validation! My first rooster was a Sebright and he was terrible! He drew blood a few times just while I was feeding him. I used to walk through the yard carrying the garden hose so I could spray him off me if he was loose. I even had to beat him with my purse a few times. That sucker was tough. He didnt last too long here. Glad to know I wasn't the only one though... I don't think ill own another Sebright.

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