Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Thanks. Someone told me I would have to rehome one. I guess I'm asking if that is definite? I think I would rather try the coop first than give up yet.

IMO, I would rehome the sebright first. My sebright was the absolute worst rooster I've ever had. SOOO agressive to anything that moved. My girl Chippy whooped his butt every time he started crap with her. I hated him so much, I couldn't give him away.

Don't mean to scare you, just telling my experience with sebright cockerels. Yours could be different, but it doesn't sound like he's off to a very good start.
IMO, I would rehome the sebright first. My sebright was the absolute worst rooster I've ever had. SOOO agressive to anything that moved. My girl Chippy whooped his butt every time he started crap with her. I hated him so much, I couldn't give him away.

Don't mean to scare you, just telling my experience with sebright cockerels. Yours could be different, but it doesn't sound like he's off to a very good start.

I have to say that he is NOT my favorite chicken.
I bring it to an almost boil then turn down to the lowest that my stove will go, set a lid on top but not completely covered,, stir a few times a day..
I do roast the bones in the oven and take it easy on the onions in the beginning, add more later ..

Did you take the scum off the top in the beginning, that is why I heat it to almost boiling, brings all that to the top.
yep, roasted the bones, let them soak in the vinegar water for half an hour, then brought them to the point of boil, covered them part way, let the cook slowly but like i said, maybe my stove won't simmer like it should, when i strained, had no celery left to speak of, just carrots and some onions and bonescould it be because i have city water now? something went wrong last year with out well and we've been using city water til other half has time to dig and repair the well(which will be nice to get our well water back, hate city water) anyway, like i said, going to just use the slow cooker next time

thank you
Update - husband is home. No blockages so there is no cause for the congestive heart failure that we know yet. So he needs to loose a lot of weight and be on a low sodium diet.

And Niko is still broody.
Heading back home after a weekend in southern Maryland visiting family and fishing. Rockfish are a blast to catch!....
It was great to have a weekend off after last week...we butchered 50 meaties and finished and bagged it was 292 lbs of mostly parted out birds (did do 11 as roasters)...and probably another 50+ lbs of necks, backs and legs for making broth. birds were CX and were 9 weeks exactly and average of 7 lbs after processing (not including necks,feet or giblets) .
We were very happy with how well they finished...but my hands were sore after that marathon!
OMG!!! Gorgeous!!! Any way you would swap a few of their eggs? I love lavender birds & blue eggs!!!
We are bursting at the seams as it is. We can sell and send eggs, but we have no room for more than what we already have. We already have 15 broodies with chicks and 11 more broodies on eggs. I think that's about enough for now.
I don't have time to search right now through more threads. I am so frustrated. Looking for sand without silica. I was told somewhere contractors sand. All say "may contain silica". The play sand packaging cannot be read, the lettering is so poorly printed. So I'm guessing not the QUICKRETE brand. What brand of sand do you use and where can I find it? I've been to Home Depot & Lowes.

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