Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Great pic! That fish is HUGE.

thanks! It was a nice catch for sure.... wish we could have gotten a pic of the one DH caught (almost 2" bigger) but it had to be thrown back due to slot restrictions and I won't take the time to get a picture when I know it needs to go back in... not worth risking the fish's ability to recover.
Every time I go down there I have trouble coming back...
Im just torn seeing these eggs, I think the 2 big roosters I have are crushing the girls while mating and causing the eggs to break before there laid, what do you think??

It sounds like a reasonable explanation, but I have never read anything on similar eggs before. It may take a bit of research to see if there are any alternative explanations. I have 2 roosters over 10 lbs and haven't seen eggs like this... yet.... though it could happen any time, I guess.
Nice catch...
Great pic! That fish is HUGE.

thanks! It was a nice catch for sure.... wish we could have gotten a pic of the one DH caught (almost 2" bigger) but it had to be thrown back due to slot restrictions and I won't take the time to get a picture when I know it needs to go back in... not worth risking the fish's ability to recover.
Every time I go down there I have trouble coming back...
Im just torn seeing these eggs, I think the 2 big roosters I have are crushing the girls while mating and causing the eggs to break before there laid, what do you think??

It sounds like a reasonable explanation, but I have never read anything on similar eggs before. It may take a bit of research to see if there are any alternative explanations. I have 2 roosters over 10 lbs and haven't seen eggs like this... yet.... though it could happen any time, I guess.
Nice catch...
One of my big guys does a little pur and the hens will submiss, but the second one grabs and pounces on my girls , I need to weight him...
It's possible to get spurred and it can really hurt if they jump you from behind and get your leg, but their beaks are usually the preferred weapon when attacking humans. I've had them bite, clamp down, then twist for maximum damage. Often they do that when you are holding them and their head is not controlled. If a rooster attacks me, I've found holding them by the neck (only) prevents any further biting, LOL. Seriously though, my goal when a rooster starts getting mean is to humiliate him in front of his hens. I will grab him by the neck and push his head to the ground and hold him there, pinned under one hand, for a bit. I want him to understand the raw power of a single human arm so he fears that coming toward him in the future, because he certainly doesn't want to be pinned again, that is the most vulnerable position a roo can be in. Have you ever seen the loser of a fight between 2 roosters? The loser will run and hide his head as a sign of submission, that is about the only thing that will make the victor stop attacking him.

We've found several dead roosters around the farm as of late. I think it's time to thin the herd, or they will do it for us, leaving the meanest ones behind. Anyone want a pretty roo, or 5?

Agreed, frequent humiliation will go a long way toward keeping a rooster humble, at least toward the human doing the humiliating. This guy would frequently challenge hubby and son, but the right tone of voice and posture from me and he would lower his head and submit to my picking him up and whatever else I needed to do to him. Unfortunately he challenged my large turkey hen and she killed him.

Glad you found him a good home. It's lovely when order is restored!

Well, just as things were quieting down, had a visit from Mr Fox....when the roo called the alert, I just ran for the backdoor with the dog....the fox was about 10' from the open pen...(let everyone free range as I am off today)....well the dog got within 20' of him but pulled up at the fence which the fox jumped....pretty bold for a fox to come out mid-day.... if I had run to the dining room, I'd have had a clean shot.....grrrrrr....
Glad you found him a good home. It's lovely when order is restored!

Well, just as things were quieting down, had a visit from Mr Fox....when the roo called the alert, I just ran for the backdoor with the dog....the fox was about 10' from the open pen...(let everyone free range as I am off today)....well the dog got within 20' of him but pulled up at the fence which the fox jumped....pretty bold for a fox to come out mid-day.... if I had run to the dining room, I'd have had a clean shot.....grrrrrr....

Sounds like a female feeding babies. They get bold when they have babies to feed.
I bought 12 chicks from tractor supply when they dropped the price to .75. The first one has feathers like a silkie but it doesn't have black skin or 5 toes. I assumed all the chicks would be pure breed but maybe not. Anyone know where tractor supply gets their chicks? Please help me ID them! The last 3 are super tiny. I'm hoping the yellow one is a serama. I'm also pretty sure the yellow and black one is Ancona chicken.






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