Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

FYI, the 'chicken train' will be departing Beaver County this Friday and heading east to the Lehigh Valley area via the turnpike. Return trip is Monday if anybody needs anything transported in either direction. There will be 4 bantams (3 roos, 1 hen) riding the train who are still in need of a home if anyone is interested. ;)

I don't know what the "chicken train" is. I'm in need of a cpl female ducks, is that possible? In live in Pittsburgh.
I love seeing everyones pictures and reading all the great info.
I don't get on as much as I like and sometimes have a hard time knowing what to say. I am working on being more social and this page is really helping.
Also I have an update on my coop. Little bit more to do here are updated pics. My now wondering how to insulate after reading thru the last 4 pages.

Looking good. Keep up the good work!
trying to get ahold of some hens that are laying or some that are close to laying I live in Lycoming county so if anybody has any that they are willing to sell message me thankyou
I don't know what the "chicken train" is. I'm in need of a cpl female ducks, is that possible? In live in Pittsburgh.

The chicken train is just me traveling across the state willing to transport birds for people. About a month ago I assisted In rehoming 3 roosters to new homes on opposite sides of the state. So, if anyone in eastern PA has ducks that you'd like, I can help transport them for you ;-)
OMG, my Muscovy ducks keep making holes in my deer netting over the run. My hubby is going to get the shot gun if I have to call him again to get ducks back into the run at night. My poor hubby broke his toe this morning and I called him to come get the ducks. I have some that are for sale if any one is looking for female Muscovy ducks that were hatched in early May. I am in Monroe county by Camelback if any people by me want them lol.


Paradise in my back yard earlier today :) of course, by the time I got my camera out, the chickens had taken off to something more interesting in the woods and I wasn't following. Too many spider webs lately.
Here are my chickies, all 12 she hatched! :eek:.



In this pic you can see two BCMs standing next to each other. I think. ;)




Here are pics of the Bantam Cochin babies. I think the white one may be a Roo. Any guesses? Mama is a bantam Cochin too, for reference.



Personally, my bantam cochins mature fast. Give him a week and you'll know for sure,
Cuteness alert!

One of our pencil hens hatched out a clutch today...
Mindy watching and trying to count them I think!

They don't stay still very long!

I think Mindy is still trying to figure out how to sneak them into the house so she can watch them all the time! LOL

OK Fisher:

With all these broodies, think we need to see some pics of the stud muffins hanging in your backyard???

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