Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

We ran extension cords to our coop last year to run the heater in our nipple bucket. We used this heater
It only froze on us a couple times on the water nipples but never in the bucket. We used two orange extention cords connected in the middle and we wrapped the connection with electrical tape, plastic wrap and some more electrical tape lol. It was fine. We do have a light in the coop but we have a set of solar panels that power it.
Thanks. Good thing I've got a hefty supply of electrical tape.

I did the same thing except with out the plastic rap just a whole lot of electrical tape it worked great over winter I didn't have any issues. Also I have a question will cat food hurt chickens and ducks. I have all my feed for all the animals out side in sealed containers but I must not have closed the cat food lid correctly and the ducks and chickens figured it out while I was inside and they ate quite a bit before I heard the ruckus on the back porch will they be ok?
Thanks. They should be fine with the cat food.

Thanks for the link.

Thanks, it has really been a tough summer. We didn't have any predation issues the whole first year through this spring. Even when we had a dozen bright white meat birds waddling around the yard virtually unprotected, no predator losses until later this summer. I'm really most upset about the pullet we lost. She was a mix that SilkieSensation gave me and she really had the most interesting coloring. I still haven't found any of her feathers around the yard to confirm that the dog did get her... But she also hasn't shown up yet so I doubt that she was just chased off and is hanging out in the woods.
Sorry to hear she hasn't shown up yet and there's still no sign of how she went missing.
Looks like I will have to sell off half of my chicken flock. My arm isn't getting any better and it is getting harder for me to take care of everyone :hit

Sorry to hear that. If I had room, I'd take them in. What's going on with your arm? I don't recall.

I'm so glad you found her! I really like the little Rhodebar pullets I kept back. The best word I can think of to describe them is "sassy". When I catch one after chasing it, they invariably bite me hard and hold on, to express their displeasure. None of the other pullets do that, but it seems like every RB does. The older ones don't do that, but then I rarely chase them, they allow themselves to be picked up and seem to not be bothered by it. They are also the only ones that peck at my ear when I lean over next to a roost. Funny and naturally tame.

Sounds like rechargable batteries for the flashlight should be on your Christmas list!

That's funny, my Rhodebar pullet has bit me too, I thought it was because she was a brat. She nips me sometimes when I try to pull her out of the arborvitae to put her in the coop with the other girls. Every night, I have to stand on a trash can, to pull her out of the tree. I tried leaving her be in the summer, but in the morning, before I let her sisters out, she would walk around the yard "calling" for them. :rolleyes: I suspect when she starts laying and fits in more with the older girls, she won't be doing that.
That's funny, my Rhodebar pullet has bit me too, I thought it was because she was a brat. She nips me sometimes when I try to pull her out of the arborvitae to put her in the coop with the other girls. Every night, I have to stand on a trash can, to pull her out of the tree. I tried leaving her be in the summer, but in the morning, before I let her sisters out, she would walk around the yard "calling" for them.
I suspect when she starts laying and fits in more with the older girls, she won't be doing that.
I don't ever plan to free-range Rhodebars because they are so fearless and "brash". I think they would not get out of the way fast enough from vehicles and predators. Most other breeds are not as docile (unless intentionally tamed) and so are more likely to thrive in a busy farm environment. I love how the free ranging ones hang close to the buildings, keeping an eye on the goings on. Sometimes I see them dust bathing without a care in the world because a watchful roo or nearby flock of guineas gives them the confidence to indulge, but at the slightest alarm, they are up and out of there.

I could see a Rhodebar pullet running up to a moving tractor to bite the tire because she disapproves of the noise.
My broad breasted turkey bites me if I don't say hi to her. lol Silly critters will do anything to get your attentio n.

I have been sick/asthma has been acting up since September. I went to my primary doctor on October 8th, after being sick for 3 weeks. My doctor prescribed me a medication that she said I didn't have a reaction to last year when I did have one. The antibiotic ( levofloxacin) caused me tendon and nerve problems and yesterday the pain was worse since going to the specialist. I may have permanent nerve damage. I am right handed and my right arm hurts so much. I can't do anything with it. I have to keep it in a sling and not use it. Not easy to do things.
I still have my asthma acting up
My broad breasted turkey bites me if I don't say hi to her. lol Silly critters will do anything to get your attentio n.

I have been sick/asthma has been acting up since September. I went to my primary doctor on October 8th, after being sick for 3 weeks. My doctor prescribed me a medication that she said I didn't have a reaction to last year when I did have one. The antibiotic ( levofloxacin) caused me tendon and nerve problems and yesterday the pain was worse since going to the specialist. I may have permanent nerve damage. I am right handed and my right arm hurts so much. I can't do anything with it. I have to keep it in a sling and not use it. Not easy to do things.
I still have my asthma acting up

Sorry for your problem. My husband is asthmatic. He usually use an inhaler to control the problem. When my son had pneumonia, doctor gave him an asthma nebulizer. DH tried it and said it works much better for him. You may ask you doctor to prescribe an asthma nebulizer for you to try.
I have been using my inhaler and my nebulizer, they don't work for long. Asthma sitnks, both my boys have it and I got it as an adult about 10 years ago. I have been "barking" so much my ribs are hurting.
Sorry for your problem. My husband is asthmatic. He usually use an inhaler to control the problem. When my son had pneumonia, doctor gave him an asthma nebulizer. DH tried it and said it works much better for him. You may ask you doctor to prescribe an asthma nebulizer for you to try.
I have been using my inhaler and my nebulizer, they don't work for long. Asthma sitnks, both my boys have it and I got it as an adult about 10 years ago. I have been "barking" so much my ribs are hurting.

Sorry for your problem. My husband is asthmatic. He usually use an inhaler to control the problem. When my son had pneumonia, doctor gave him an asthma nebulizer. DH tried it and said it works much better for him. You may ask you doctor to prescribe an asthma nebulizer for you to try.

So sorry to hear this. My sister in law has severe asthma and allergies, they moved to Arizona years ago to help her control it.

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