Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hello from the Poconos to all the new members. 

I haven't been on in a couple of weeks. In and out of the hospital with my son and in and out of Doctors for me.

Looks like I missed the chicken train. I have 2 silkie roosters that need new homes. I have some Muscovy ducks that need new homes. Oh well.

I checked on my silkie and her eggs. No luck for her this time. They were all duds. She isn't happy.  I am also waiting on my ducks to have some babies soon. I will not mess with them and their eggs. They are crazy lol

I hope everyone is getting all the chickens and other critters they are looking for this year.

I noticed the ticks are out already. Please make sure to check your pets, children and yourselves when coming inside.

Sorry to hear that you have medical problems. Hope everyone gets better soon .

Too bad that you missed the chicken train, there was someone looking for Muscovy ducks.
Good Afternoon everyone I hope everyone had a great day. I wanted to share a pic of one of our SLW chicks sitting with my girlfriend

Loving on a chick? She's a keeper!
Anyone have any info on how to become NPIP certified in PA? I found a page with info before and emailed someone but never got a response. Now I can't even find that page again. I'm finding all kinds of stuff for every other state
Did you look here? Sally Sunshine has jumped through all of the hoops and become NPIP certified, I'm not sure if she has kept up her certification. She really does have the inside scoop on getting certified in PA. If it's something you're serious about, you should PM her.

I found it very hard to get my turkeys to roost in the coop after free ranging when we raised them 2 years ago. I plan on building a new coop for the turkeys this year and hope that they'll put themselves away at night. Otherwise they'll have to be in a tractor as catching up turkeys every single night is not on the agenda.
Is this a turkey egg? I found it on top of my rabbit hutch and the naughty hen ripped up the lamination on the canvas tarp while she was up there.

I think it was from yesterday, it was cold when I found it and both turkey hens were safe in their run all day (one hen did escape for a few hours yesterday... guess it's time to fix the gap in the fence).

Next to a chicken egg... I expected the turkey egg to be bigger. It's a little bigger, but not much.
My goodness! do you have incredibly small hands or incredibly big eggs?
My granddaughter's trampoline went airborn , over a 6 foot fence, and into the neighbors yard, narrowly missing their window! !

Oh wow! Our kids have been bugging us like crazy to set theirs up. So glad we didn't yet! We do need to get out and make sure the little greenhouse id still standing though. It was anchored, I just hope good enough!
Newbie question for others in PA,

How old, or at what point weather/temperature wise do you move your chicks outside to the coop here in PA.


Mine go out from day one, I brood until about 2-3 weeks out in my pole barn and then move them into outdoor brooder coops. I keep them really warm, towels over most of the mesh tops and 250 watt light bulbs until it really starts to warm up around here. I can't indoor brood, the wood dust and dander really starts up my allergies
Wow! Maid you color them yourself.. And how?!

Crayon shavings and a hair dryer

Anyone one else on a wind advisory we are having gusts of wind at 50 miles an hour we are on a wind advisory from 2 pm to 12 am

Yup, knocked out the power in town while I was running errands and knocked down a stoplight in an intersection down the road. Police were directing traffic everywhere
My 5-week old chicks still sleep under heating pad every night. :barnie I really want to move them to coop this weekend when they turned 6 week. I decided to turn off the heating pad on Saturday and they still slept under it. The room temperature is about 60~70. I guess they are not ready for coop yet?

They are just spoiled, lol...I would move them to an area which is a bit cooler yet and still allow them their heating pad area a few days but only turn it on a very low setting to allow it to be a few degrees warmer than the rest of their area. Rig up a piece of 2x4 laid on its side about 1 ft off of the floor in the general vicinity of the heating pad to see if they start choosing to roost rather than cuddle in their cave. Our valentines day broody hatch is out in the coop and was just weaned from their mama and have had no problems in the unheated coop, so yours should be ready pretty soon.
Crayon shavings and a hair dryer :D

Yup, knocked out the power in town while I was running errands and knocked down a stoplight in an intersection down the road. Police were directing traffic everywhere 

I am glad we didn't get any stronger here it was starting to lift the tin off the chicken coop it's still a bit windy but nothin like last night wonder how the Belleville sale place looks like there was just a small tornado/ hurricane over there not long ago torn the tin off the building took a probably 15 foot tall plastic cow up in the air
New member from PA checking in. I'm from the Northwest, a little place called Greenville. Looking forward to sharing stories, pictures and comparing notes with everyone!

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