Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Ok folks my two week olds....Fisher's SPRs and Red Dorks....funny but the reds are feathering out a bit faster....
The SPR do feather slower as a general rule...Sometimes we get a pullet who feathers really fast, but only about 1 out of 4. The cockerels are much slower to feather and usually lighter colored on their backs. They are all looking good! Hard to believe they are 2 weeks already!
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Been MIA for 2 weeks prepping for and going on vacation, not going to be able to catch up so I'm just jumping back in here.

I'm just here to whine a little... I took the girls on vacation with my family to Outer Banks, NC and we had a great time. Hubs couldn't come along because of work so he was in charge of the chickens and garden while we were away. It did not go well
He was working from 7am to 7pm so getting up early to do the chicken chores and then not getting home to check on them until late. It was 90 degrees here while we were gone. In my experience, the new chicks never ran out of water in a single day (1 gallon nipple waterer) but hadn't been so hot until last week. He very well could have forgotten to top it off or not filled it all the way up but he won't say, likely because he feels guilty. We lost 4 birds - a Delaware, a welsummer, and both of olive egg legbar mixes that @dheltzel hatched just for me. The olive egg legbars are the ones I'm most upset about, I loved the way their little crests were developing and I was really anxious to see what color eggs they'd lay. I don't suppose you have any more of those pullets, do you Dennis?

I also lost almost all of my seedlings. Things that are too late to start again like peppers and tomatoes. That is partly my fault for not getting them out of their containers and into the ground before we left, but I'm still upset that he couldn't keep them watered for a week. Tomatoes are really the most important part of my garden since I like to can them for winter... I do have a bunch of volunteers, but they are likely unintentional crosses from the varieties I had last year and I'm not really sure what I'll get with them.

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