Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


Need to let the pooch loose.....been thinking about a second pooch myself an Anatolian Shepard ...(with my luck, would be more interested in eating chicken....)

The only one I actualy trust to come back is almost dead and half blind lol. My giant would kill a couple chickens then run of into the great beyond, never to return and my old terrier mix would just look at a fisher and keep on wandering his own way lol.

In all seriousness though, the. 22 is sitting here ready if it's needed, the coops are closed up and mostly secure at night. We'll just have to watch close during the day. Bandit would sound the alarm and sacrifice himself if need be to protect his ladies. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
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O and I forgot to mention I had just brought home 4 more hens so anyone who was messaging me about the Rhode Island reds I took the three sex links and one Rhode Island Red and my neighbor since he just lost that many he took the last nine
Had a run-in with a raccoon twice this week so far. Last night it was up on our back porch knocking over our recycling bin looking for goodies. It ran off when it heard me talking on the other side of the door. Tonight, the sucker was in my chicken run... I heard a commotion and flew out the back door. Raccoon tried to flee, but it took a minute or so to find its way back out. I'm regretting not being serious enough about learning how to use the gun Hubs keeps by the back door (he was at work, 3rd shift tonight) because I would have had an easy shot. Romeo was such a good rooster, he kept the coon out of the coop and all the girls are fine (Romeo is fine too, although I'm sure he'll be extra anxious tomorrow!).

I guess I need to start closing up the coop at night again. I don't get up early enough for them in the summer and tend not to get out to do the chicken chores until lunch time - they can't be locked in the coop that long so I'm going to have to change my routine.
Had a run-in with a raccoon twice this week so far. Last night it was up on our back porch knocking over our recycling bin looking for goodies. It ran off when it heard me talking on the other side of the door. Tonight, the sucker was in my chicken run... I heard a commotion and flew out the back door. Raccoon tried to flee, but it took a minute or so to find its way back out. I'm regretting not being serious enough about learning how to use the gun Hubs keeps by the back door (he was at work, 3rd shift tonight) because I would have had an easy shot. Romeo was such a good rooster, he kept the coon out of the coop and all the girls are fine (Romeo is fine too, although I'm sure he'll be extra anxious tomorrow!).

I guess I need to start closing up the coop at night again. I don't get up early enough for them in the summer and tend not to get out to do the chicken chores until lunch time - they can't be locked in the coop that long so I'm going to have to change my routine.

Glad you chased it off. It will be back though. Maybe get a box trap, lock the chickens in and set the trap in the run or at the door of the run. Since it is already exploring that area. Then SSS.
As the birds rush out in a blur each morning, I try to take note of their appearance and general numbers, I have a cockerel that looks so much like his father, I can only hope I remember to look at the spurs when I collect the boys in a few weeks. I really do have some gorgeous boys!
As the birds rush out in a blur each morning, I try to take note of their appearance and general numbers, I have a cockerel that looks so much like his father, I can only hope I remember to look at the spurs when I collect the boys in a few weeks. I really do have some gorgeous boys!


I absolutely love the 'morning rush'..... everyone rushes out to the far edges of the yard, then come to a screeching halt, turn and race back to my feet because they suddenly realize I might have goodies that they just passed up!


I absolutely love the 'morning rush'..... everyone rushes out to the far edges of the yard, then come to a screeching halt, turn and race back to my feet because they suddenly realize I might have goodies that they just passed up!


I love that morning rush too! I've missed it for a week or so now. My daughter had been getting up early and feeding everyone before I even get up lol

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