Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So since it is following us home we get to keep it, right??.... ;)




:weee It's home!
I am fully aware that I need to clean the fridge! Ignore the dirt.
I have been feeding eggs to the animals like crazy. The oldest eggs are from September 20th. I didn't collect today. I was too busy rearranging the kitchen.
My son has two friends two friends spending the night tonight and I was able to show them one of the developing AC eggs. They have less than a week left now. The one I candled to show them just so happened to be upside down in the shell with both legs spread out and pressed against the shell. We could all see each little toe, leg, and where the fluffy down starts :) We could even feel the baby hitting off of the shell. It was definitely exciting for all of them, especially the one who is a bird fenatic lol.

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