Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Morning *Wing
....not much sleep yet?!
Hey pennsylvanians!

I have posted a free-to-good-home ad in the other forum for my three hens.
I have an unexpected move looming a couple of months out, and will not be able to take my girls with me. They are 2.5 y/o, one is a speckled sussex, one a blue polish, and the other a production red.
I'm not sure how to link to the other thread, but it's labeled with SE PA - 19473.

Please take a look and help me find a good home for three good hens!
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]OMG...RIGHT?!!!! Some seem to be so indifferent to it all too...[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Go to the grocery stores in their PJ's, and it's 3 in the afternoon!!...and don't bother brushing your hair or teeth, just put it in a "bun" and grab a piece of gum....uggg[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I just don't know how they live like that! I can't ....It's enough to keep myself under-control now as it is...It has taken me along time to be able let things go for a day or two....but by the third day,'s all about the vacuum / cleaner bleach spray...hahaha Oh, I know I need Help![/FONT]

You mean that isn't how everyone lives? Here all this time I thought that was normal and everyone lived like that!

Seriously, I get dressed, but I am known to just straighten out my bun from the day before and skip the gum. I have more important things to do than to worry about how I look. As long as I am in clean clothes and I don't stink, I am happy.

BTW... I am on horse duty today. On Monday mom's horse finally started showing definite signs of strangles and had a fever. I spent all day with her and the horse. Mom had to go to work today, so I am doing the hot compresses and watching for the lumps to burst. Just how I wanted to spend my day. So far, just seepage... I am dreading the mess that comes with this.

I am so glad I am not the one that has to bleach everything after this! Moments like this, I am glad I don't have a horse, too!
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nope but I have one like her, I got hatching eggs off of ebay and this is what they looked like, and she's very friendly likes to sit beside me, Her feathers are much fuller now like the one you seen

OH my Goodness! That is just sooo cute and fluffy!!! Maybe I will get rid of my dog and get a Silkie.. Sorry if I offend anyone, but dogs are stupid!! After getting Kodie, i realize I A) am a cat person through and through, and B) I love chickens! Kodie is soo gross. he eats the chicken poop/rolls in chicken poop, and dead animals ( or at least thats when he smells like), tries to hump the cat ( 1st it's a cat, and 2nd he is a boy cat) Then he was chewing on a rock to the point that he made his mouth bleed!! REALLY!!! And tried to swallow the rock when I tried to stop him! Wow how did commenting on your beautiful silkie turn in to that little rant!! HAHAH
I used to go visit the local elderly couples and I love to hear their stories about when they were growing up.

Thanks everyone. Just for the record, this will be the only time I share this much personal info.

I was fine with it last night because, you know, we've always been there to support HER. I thought about it more and more and started to think about US. Then I got mad. All that woman has put us through and I feel like she used us and pooed on us in the end. Like I said, we asked her from the time she came if she really wanted to come back, first and then if she wanted to stay with us. She had every option to say she wanted to go to a nursing home or stay in the home since June/July 2012.

What bothers me is how nonchalant she is over it all. Like, every thing's all fine and dandy and life is just grand. Her problem is she's lazy and wants to be waited on and catered to. I can't do it. She's loosing her memory, too. I fell bad for her because no one wants her - not even the friend that caused all of this. Not her sister, not her nephews... Well, they do if she has money they can sponge off her. But, then again, I honestly feel she brought it all on herself seeing how she treated us. All she does is whine about how she can't do anything for herself, the divorce is taking to long and how her husband put her in debt. She whines because I won't let her have unhealthy foods because she's not supposed to have them. Here's an example. Last Christmas I made over 15 dozen cookies. I couldn't get her to eat real food and she ate cookies all day long for a week. This year my husband and I were given cookies for a Christmas present and I thought for sure she'd stay away from them because they were a present. No... She can't get up to go to the bathroom, but she could get up and eat all of our present! She doesn't like eating real food. If I put a meal in front of her, she eats maybe 1 1/2c of food total at supper. She can eat 2-3x that at Chinese or any other restaurant. If I put 5 bags of chips in front of her, a bag of chocolates, a dozen cookies, a piece of cake and 2 cupcakes, she'd it it all in less than 6hrs.

We are always financially strapped, so this should be nothing new to me. Just the thought of it all on us by ourselves is driving me insane. When I say we can't do it on our own, I mean it. I can't take on a new roommate. This place actually isn't a 4 bedroom. It's 3 bedrooms with a sun room and a mudroom. My son's room is the mudroom. The sun room has no heat so no one is there. Again, I sacrificed my child's comfort for her.

You guys are right. I would be much happier without her here. I honestly can not stand being around her and I try my hardest to stay away from my own home. The house smells so bad because of her... It would be nice to have my son in an actual room, too. Just, I do not want to move if we do not have to. I don't have it in me to sell my flock. We have so much crap and I actually hyperventilate just thinking about it. I can not do another move. I am sick of moving.

As for the chicks, some are coming around and some are not. I have one still really gasping and they are the younger ones and they usually do not make it. The older ones are showing improvement. The fresh batch of chicks that just hatched Friday are all healthy so far.
Well maybe your food bill will be lower when she is gone and that will help! I just really looked at all my bills and cut back on everything I could! Even found a cheaper cell phone Plan! But if you ever need to talk, just send me a PM, Somehow I have always pulled through rough times, and i know just talking to vent helps a great deal
This is the email I got:

Hello Maryland poultry fancier members,

I'd like to invite you all to the Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmer's Market to be held on Saturday, June 8, 2013 from 8-2pm.

Our swap meet has grown to include anything farm related/handcrafted/homegrown/homemade and recycled though we specialize in poultry sales and trades. And, we are proud to be able to offer the largest variety of show quality fowl in the area. If you are over run with youngsters that maybe don't make the grade, consider joining us. Along with our sales area, we host a Poultry "Show Clinic" judged by APA licensed judge, Paul Gilroy. This is a great way for the newbies to learn the ropes of poultry exhibition. We also have a Coop Tour with area handcrafted chicken housing, children's activities like a moon bounce, pony rides, ice cream by South Mountain Creamery, live bluegrass band and lots to see and do.

Vendor spaces are $15. Camping the night before is welcome and is no extra cost if you'd like to come the night before and set up. Many like to do this. We'll have the potties out and a community bonfire to cook on.

If you have any questions, please see our website or contact me [email protected]

Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!

-Erin -site administrator
OH I want to go to this! saving in my phone! I want to camp out also!
I don't have the energy today to quote all of that...

nice puppies..........don't get me started on the elderly......wondering if I am picking the wrong crowd to go to green dragon with??.........hoping some of the northerners can make it down for the picnic,,,if not let all of us know if you decide to have one up north,,,,i can sleep quite a few people at the cabin,,,it's nothng fancy, but it is a dry roof over head......missy are you sure you don't have a small loner on your hands...I have a very small silkie that does the same things,,,she is 3 yrs old and healthy as can be, she just gets a little pushed around...

and eli get with the program, us women like to talk about many things , all at the same time..
What is wrong with the crowd for green dragon!?!?!
This is the banty I am CERTAIN is a Cochin and REALLY REALLY WANNA KEEP. Male or Female? What do you guys think??? 3 WEEKS OLD.
At first glance, I think girl. It's always easier when you are comparing them to other chicks the same age, but I see no wattle development.
Singing "I'm my own grandpa..."
Like FisherLady said I'm not sure if it's cause for congrats or to offer someone a "Paddle faster, I hear banjos" bumper sticker????
OMG you guys are killing me!! I so am getting this bumper sticker for my kayak!
Quote: You just have to decide what is going to be best for you & your family at this point & how everyone will be happiest. I'm sure the stress if affecting the kids as well so (depending on their age) you may want to discuss the options with them as well & get their input on the whole thing.

My husband's brother married my neighbor who is also my husband's cousin. That means my neighbor is my cousin and sister -in-law.
Not even going to ask why your husband's brother married his cousin.

So I left her sitting on a towel when I went to bed....awhile later I hear this tapping noise in the kitchen. Get up to find her wandering the kitchen...with the cat of course trailing her, trying to figure out what this creature is doing. So I got a larger towel, wrapped her completely, including covering her head lightly...and she stayed! DH got up this morning and is like "there's a towel breathing on the couch" LOL
I missed something here.

Quote: When, where, what & how please. I've never been there but am less than an hour away. Much closer for me than driving all the way to Mt Hope all the time.

This is the banty I am CERTAIN is a Cochin and REALLY REALLY WANNA KEEP. Male or Female? What do you guys think??? 3 WEEKS OLD.

Looks like a pullet but with that coloring (looks like porcelain) I'm leaning more toward guessing it to be a d'Uccle. I have 1 identical to it from Rural King out of the mixed banties.

Quote: X2

Quote: Ahhhh...ok.
Good news is everyone was right (thank you all for the advice): Blaine, the leghorn, was fine this morning and was right under the window again first thing this morning. Bad news: Lil ____ _____ _____ won't come to me to get her food, she'll come within about 3 feet, just outta my reach then head back under the forsythia bush by the window..._______BRAT!!!!
Time to get out the fish net!

Quote: I have a little electric heater with a fan & adjustable temp on it that I sit birds in front of after bathing them. I use a small cage & point the heater at 1 corner. This allowes the birds to get in front of the heater while drying & move away if they get too warm. It drys them slowly but on their terms with no hassle.

Unfortunately I know of quite a few places like that! And even worse is that calling an ambulance for a hangnail is a bragging right to them.... I usually feel like I need disinfected after being in some of their houses/trailers. My service area is in a rural, depressed area and some of these places are enough to make your stomach turn.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]OMG...RIGHT?!!!! Some seem to be so indifferent to it all too...[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Go to the grocery stores in their PJ's, and it's 3 in the afternoon!!...and don't bother brushing your hair or teeth, just put it in a "bun" and grab a piece of gum....uggg[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I just don't know how they live like that! I can't ....It's enough to keep myself under-control now as it is...It has taken me along time to be able let things go for a day or two....but by the third day,'s all about the vacuum / cleaner bleach spray...hahaha Oh, I know I need Help![/FONT]
I have been known to wear my jammie pants to the store when I had to run out for something in a hurry. That does NOT mean I'm dirty. It just means that was the 1st CLEAN pair of pants without holes in them that I happened to find in a hurry. I have a lot of holey work clothes that are MUCH worse than my jammie pants, trust me on this 1. Be glad I took off the holey pants covered in chicken & duck crap I had on before finding the clean jammie pants!!! I'm sure you would be MUCH more offended if I was walking around Wal-Mart covered in poop because I didn't take a couple minutes to hose off & grab clean clothes on my run out the door in the middle of cleaning coops or doing the feeding or building coops!!!

Quote: X2...If my cloths are clean & cover everything they need to I'm good. I don't give a rip if someone doesn't like my Tweety jammie pants or not. It's my butt & they don't have to look if they don't want to.

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