Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Congrats on today's babies!

Favewit laid an egg today :) A real purty green one, too!

I'm pretty stoked :)

And here's my contribution to the chick pics gallery :)
Congrats on today's babies!

Favewit laid an egg today :) A real purty green one, too!

I'm pretty stoked :)

And here's my contribution to the chick pics gallery :)
So IDK if I am the only person to have a duck that can't swim or what???? My Khaki Campbell decided to drown. I went out to sit with them this evening and I always count them. Since there is only one Khaki Campbell I knew immediately who was missing. I went and looked in the water trough. There he was........................I thought he was playing in the water. So I sat down, and was like he isn't moving. So I proceeded to walk over and check things out closer. He was dying! He was cold, limp, and eyes were glazed over.

So I kicked it into save Campbell mode! I turned him upside down and let water drain out of his beak. I squeezed the extra water off of him. Then I wrapped him in my shirt and gave him rescue breaths and chest compressions. Yes I did!!!!! I saved my duck with CPR!!!! He spewed up a bunch of water, then I took him into my car to dry him off, and warm him up. I can say that when I left him tonight that he is going to be okay! He was grooming and hanging out with the other ducks!

I love my animals so much! I sell birds, but I do get quite attached. I hate when an animal dies. There was no way in h E l L I was going to let that happen! I might not keep Campbell forever, but he will always be a miracle!!!!

Glad you caught him in time!! The baywatch theme song was going thru my head as I read this!!
Quote: I have WAAAAYYYYY too many!!! And I just stuffed over 125 more eggs in the bators this week.

Guess everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather today....
Nope...running my son to the ER because he woke up with his eyes nearly swelled shut from poison ivy.
Then running around to get prescriptions filled.
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why is it you decied you want to get rid of an animal and people feel the need to jump all over your ***.. I DONT WANT THIS DOG ANY MORE!!! Can't even find him a goo dhome because poeplel jump all over my ****.. why is that so terrible, i tried it and I didnt like it.. END OF STORY!!!! FINE I WILL KEEP HIM AND HE CAN STAY IN HIS CAGE ALL DAY AND NIGHT!!!

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