Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So does anyone else have trouble with those %$%#**%&$$ ads opening at odd times and sometimes even covering part of a post so it can't be read???

and once they start playing a lot of them can't be shut off without leaving the page!

This started getting worse about a month ago, noticed many covered posts the last week or two.
x2. i usally click back, the forward again
Can anyone direct me to a one (or two) page .pdf file extolling the virtues of back yard chickens? Spinning that just covers the basics why, space, what you need, etc?
I would like to print some out as handouts at a display I'm doing this weekend.
chickens, ....display......weekend.......
more info please,,,is there something going on this weekend around here.
Well I guess Ripple either had something in her throat, hiccoughs or something like that. She was fine this morning and her crop is emptying. I let Gavin sleep on the couch since he was worried about her and she spent the night going between me and Gavin, and cuddling up with whoever she was with. All night Roo was perched on the back of the couch, whenever he was awake he kept a close eye Ripple and chased the cat off several times. The cat's scared of all except the smallest chicks, so all Roo had to do was look at her cockeyed and move a step or two towards her lol.

Question for anyone who knows. At what age should I process my New Hampshire cockerels? They're only around 6 weeks old, I was hoping to wait until they're a bit bigger, but two are already causing issues in the flock....
Can anyone direct me to a one (or two) page .pdf file extolling the virtues of back yard chickens? Spinning that just covers the basics why, space, what you need, etc?
I would like to print some out as handouts at a display I'm doing this weekend.

always in the learning center tab.... there are a few articles

and here is a pdf
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Well I guess Ripple either had something in her throat, hiccoughs or something like that. She was fine this morning and her crop is emptying. I let Gavin sleep on the couch since he was worried about her and she spent the night going between me and Gavin, and cuddling up with whoever she was with. All night Roo was perched on the back of the couch, whenever he was awake he kept a close eye Ripple and chased the cat off several times. The cat's scared of all except the smallest chicks, so all Roo had to do was look at her cockeyed and move a step or two towards her lol. Question for anyone who knows. At what age should I process my New Hampshire cockerels? They're only around 6 weeks old, I was hoping to wait until they're a bit bigger, but two are already causing issues in the flock....
I'm happy to hear she's ok! Roo sounds like he's doing great, hope he grows up big and strong for you! As for the New Hamps, I'd plan for around 14-15 weeks. Non-meaties take a while to get to a decent size :)
Been absent lately. But I just read 180812813980980 posts and am all caught up!

Funny thing yesterday. I hatched 11 chicks out of 20 eggs in early March and so far I have 6 roosters, perhaps as many as 8. If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck. Well I have been meaning to get rid of these 2 roosters but they are so darn nice. Yesterday a certain governmental employee was inspecting my property with a collegue or bodyguard or something. I have jokingly said "well you can have those 2 roosters if you want them" and he took them.

Now if I can find some one who is really knowledgeable about Ameracauna's, I can figure out whether my last hatchlings who are now 10 weeks old are male or female! Then I can go back to hoping and praying that my neighbors aren't complaining to the township, grrrr.

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