Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oh my, are they from a hatchery?  The reason I am asking is because my cousin had purchased some from a hatchery and they where doing the same thing.  The roosters were especially nasty, she sold all but one hen, and that solved her problem.  You can get SLW that don't do that.  You should cull them. 

Before you do that, what is your protein level?  If they pick on the weakest link and draw blood, they will kill.  Just a thought.

My rooster is (was til spring started) a very sweet rooster. He would let my son carry him around. Now he sometimes goes after the feed bag when I feed them. I feed them Albright's feed mill 16% protein layer mash. They pick everyones tail feathers out. They have always done that. I got them from Country Junction. The lady that helped me didn't know anything about chickens except chicken parmesian. She worked in the furniture department and they made her catch the chickens. They were fine with Pebbles until she went broody and only came out to eat and drink. I have some slw eggs under my silkie, I don't know if I will replace my girls with the new chicks or get barred rocks. Sigh :( They are my first chickens we got aand are a mean chick gang, no other way to describe them. I just thought that was partmof the pecking order.
FYI, just received this today.

Good morning,
We’ll be offering the classroom portion of the CPT training on July 2 here in Harrisburg, room 202. If you know of anyone who is interested, please let them know. They can contact Stacy Rakocy for an application. [email protected]

Thank you,

Nan Hanshaw, DVM, DACVPM/Chief, Animal Health Division
PA Department of Agriculture/Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services
2301 N. Cameron St./Harrisburg, PA. 17110
Phone: 717.783.6677/Fax: 717.787.1868

Wonder if anyone close wants to carpool and split gas costs...(BirdByGavin or anyone else)?
Morning all....trying to catch up...Hope everyone is having a Good day so far!!
Off the the doctor with my son for a tick bite

Hope he is ok.

I am dealing with either a bruised collar bone or fracture of our 4yr old sons collar bone - have to wait till hubby gets back on monday before we can take him for xrays as nowhere within 3 hours of us takes his stupid work insurance and I can't do the long drives. The local drs office said to just put him in a sling for now so he is all trussed up in a sling and feeling fine apart from when he forgets and goes to pick something up. Not much drs can really do other than xray to confirm it, put him in a sling and say to alternate pain meds.
Then on the way out this morning to preschool the car battery just died
luckily I was able to just pull in off the road to the parking lot of a church and the pastor in there called a mechanic he knew to come jump the car (hubby took my cables out of the storage area for some reason).

Hopefully nothing else goes wrong today!!

Hope you guys all have a great day!!
I didn't have any Ivermectin, So I just used the flee and tick I had available for my Cat/Dog. I let her soak in a hot bath also, to help with whatever injury I can't see to her leg, she holds the one up when she stands. Also I put DE in her Bedding, Poor Girl I think she also has Gleet, Was told it;s yeast, thanks BRUCE!, So she has been treated for that, If anyone wants to see pictures let me know I can post them, Not the Best for breakfast...

Heeeeeeyyyy Patrick!!

Rose, you can also put some lotramin (athletes foot cream) on there. You an use baby wipes to wipe it off, then a hair dryer to make sure its dry. You don't want to put the lotramin on wet skin/feathers. Do not use eggs for a couple of days. A more natural thing to use, and won't hurt eggs/chicken is Shapely's MTG. It is a really old formula used by old timer's on the cows/livestock to put on rain rot or goo from the animals being in heat can cause fungal/yeast infections. It is really greasy, so one application, then I would recommend a bath after a couple of days. Dry her bum with the hair dryer. For mild cases I use desitin. I think it also droughts creepy crawlies!
My rooster is (was til spring started) a very sweet rooster. He would let my son carry him around. Now he sometimes goes after the feed bag when I feed them. I feed them Albright's feed mill 16% protein layer mash. They pick everyones tail feathers out. They have always done that. I got them from Country Junction. The lady that helped me didn't know anything about chickens except chicken parmesian. She worked in the furniture department and they made her catch the chickens. They were fine with Pebbles until she went broody and only came out to eat and drink. I have some slw eggs under my silkie, I don't know if I will replace my girls with the new chicks or get barred rocks. Sigh
They are my first chickens we got aand are a mean chick gang, no other way to describe them. I just thought that was partmof the pecking order.

Well there are some behaviors that are part of the pecking order. Putting one chicken at a time is not good. Hatchery birds tend to have poorer attitudes. SLW in general can be snooty. Not mean, buy snooty. You can try raising the ones under your broody to replace the "mean girls" but chances are they will have the same poor attitudes. The tail picking is not normal. So you need to look at there diet, space, and check them at night for creepy crawlies. If your chicks tail pick at birth, chances are that will carry over to adulthood. You need to figure out why they are tail picking and then fix it. I would recommend throwing them so cat food (extra protein/treat). How much space do they have, at least 4 square feet per bird inside, and 10 square feet outside. Creepy crawly check at night so you can look for mites. they are slow moving 1mm round black or brownish red. They will be walking on feathers, usually not near the skin. There favorite place to suck blood is on the chickens head/comb. Mites and lice make them very grumpy, the will loose feathers, stop laying, and dust bath. When I say dust bath, I mean all day long. They are trying to kill the bugs. They will stop eating if its a really bad case, major infestation=anemia. I could go on forever about those creepy crawlies!!!! I HATE them!!!

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