Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have a this egg fertile? I will tell you why I ask in a sec...
I've gotten eggs from the grocery store that have that, so I doubt it. From what I've read/researched, and others on here have said, it's a bulls eye you'll be looking for if fertile. Now silly question, how long have you had her and was she around roos before you got her? I know they can still lay fertile eggs for a few weeks after they were last "with" a roo.
Quote: Is that like the "Holy Hand-grenade?"

Congrats to everyone on the new chicks, kids and puppies.

Been a very long day, still improving the coop and had an implant put in. The implant...well lets just say this "hen" won't be having any "chicks" for a nothing major, just a sore arm and huge bruise where it is. Gavin had to go with me since no one was around to watch him. He was funny, took the chair he was sitting in and literally put himself in the corner so he didn't have to watch them put a 1/2" cut in my arm. I think it's hilarious, because this is the same kid that gets mad if I process ANY animals without him...

Anyway Night all, although nearly everyone will be seeing this in the morning...So I guess I'll say Morning all, have a great day...
I've gotten eggs from the grocery store that have that, so I doubt it. From what I've read/researched, and others on here have said, it's a bulls eye you'll be looking for if fertile. Now silly question, how long have you had her and was she around roos before you got her? I know they can still lay fertile eggs for a few weeks after they were last "with" a roo. 
Is that like the "Holy Hand-grenade?" 

Congrats to everyone on the new chicks, kids and puppies.

Been a very long day, still improving the coop and had an implant put in. The implant...well lets just say this "hen" won't be having any "chicks" for a nothing major, just a sore arm and huge bruise where it is. Gavin had to go with me since no one was around to watch him. He was funny, took the chair he was sitting in and literally put himself in the corner so he didn't have to watch them put a 1/2" cut in my arm. I think it's hilarious, because this is the same kid that gets mad if I process ANY animals without him...

Anyway Night all, although nearly everyone will be seeing this in the morning...So I guess I'll say Morning all, have a great day...

Ahhh I know what you got done!! Wow a half in cut, that was extreme, my cut was more like a nic on my arm. Where did you get it done, my 3 years were up a few months back & noone around here takesthem. out/puts them in. Your arm should be ok in about a week, the first few days were the worst for me.
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Ahhh I know what you got done!! Wow a half in cut, that was extreme, my cut was more like a nic on my arm. Where did you get it done, my 3 years were up a few months back & noone around here takesthem. out/puts them in. Your arm should be ok in about a week, the first few days were the worst for me.
Geisinger at the main campus in Danville, although they do it at some of the GYN offices located in other towns. They do the placement and removal. I don't know if any of the Evangelical branches, or even if Evan's main campus, does them to be honest. Danville's about an hour from Millmont, straight E on 45 to 54, I once thought that was far to drive for a doctor, until Gavin fell while we were camping. I passed 3 hospitals to take him to one I trusted, then again I knew the reputations of the others due to working in an E.R...

ETA: Gavin was poking it last night, and was saying " Eww look at it move" while he was giggling about it...sometimes I really wonder about him.
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***Tired here. Checked the babies 3 Xs last night in with a flashlight. I think I only succeeded in freaking out Mom.

Fisherlady, you take the most amazing photos, can you come by and photo all my babies? :D

Gavin, hope your arm is in working order today.
Originally Posted by roseschickies

Baby Goats!!!! awweeee
Baby PUPPIES... Awwwwweeee

And let's keep the good news going! semi good news anyways!!
UPDATE!! I broke down and took Lil Dave to the vet! I know have a pretty expensive Roo that I will need to find a home..hmmmm.. BUT! His Poo came back with high levels of Cocci, so it is treatable and hopefully that was the cause of his issue, a few weeks of antibiotics and hopefully good as new!!!

Wow, that was quick!
***Tired here. Checked the babies 3 Xs last night in with a flashlight. I think I only succeeded in freaking out Mom.

Fisherlady, you take the most amazing photos, can you come by and photo all my babies?

Gavin, hope your arm is in working order today.
I've done the same thing with the chickens the last 2 weeks. There was a 70 lb bear hit less than a mile away, one removed from the lower end of town (about 5 miles away) and one sitting in the turning lane on the highway about a mile from us two days ago. My Mom's bird feeders have been raided, and the dogs have flipped out a few times in the middle of the night. I really need to get to the gun shop and pick up more non-lethal rounds. The 70 lb one that was hit has me more freaked than any of the others, that means the resident sow has new cubs...

The only thing I'm worried about with my arm is bumping it, every time I do it feels like I'm getting a shot. I'll wrap it to give some cushioning while working on stuff today, should be fine.
They did warn me with the fibro I may have more pain than most and it may hurt every time it's bumped until removal.
LMAO!!! POOR LIL ENRIQUE!!!! He's trying his darn hardest to crow like a big boy and the girls are smackin him around trying to make him shut up!!!
I just woke Gavin laughing about of my girls has taken to beating on any boy who tries to crow other than Jäger. Only the one girl but she's the second largest in the entire flock, she even beats on Jack, my favorite New Hampshire boy and the largest in the flock.

Just watched something I NEVER would have thought possible with my one cat. He had a rib bone that Gavin didn't clean all the way yesterday. Well one of the leghorn girls walks up to him, grabs the bone from him and drags it away. Buddy just gives her a nasty look and walks away. He didn't growl, try to run off with it or even bat at her...hmm I wonder if he's feeling ok.

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