Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Build!! I never built anything in my life ever! I am really proud of my coop! Its alot of work but fun and rewarding!

I just got on here and looked through the coops and got ideas on what I wanted and how I wanted it to look. Read some things abour design and what people wouldnt do if they built another ones or things they would do. It doesnt have to be fantsy it just has to work and give the birds the main things they need to thrive!!

I used mostly recycled items! I dug old shingles out of a dumpster (i asked first) but I used a pallet for the base of my coop and went on from there! I think with building the coop and run I spent 100 maybe 150. I did have to by some 2x4's for the run along with the wire. But if your smart you can find stuff cheap. I bought paint for the coop but it was the missed colored stuff, I think I paid 8 dollars for a gallon and you would never know it wasnt the color it was suppose to be! :)

There are alot of builder place around like surplus city, or there are even sometimes places that resell items people dont need or what like a good will for building supplies. Craglist the paper yard sells. If your not in a rush you can really get what you need for cheap.Also, I know home depot sells scrap wood left over from people getting stuff cut their and not needing the rest or it. or sometimes it will be a 2x4 thats broke but still long enough to make something outta it. These kinda things are usually under a dollar depending. I started my coop the end of Feb and finished it in May. I only worked on it a few evenings a week after dinner.

That is a pretty awesome looking coop! Very good job.
LittleMissPurdy, love your coop, simple and yet nice to look at! Your new additions are lovely too.

And to whoever got Georgia (my ipad won't let me go back a page right now to look), she's a beaut! Congrats!,

Updates to my coop:

Hardware cloth underneath the coop, and nest box attached. Also made a nifty entrance ramp using some bamboo I had on hard, it's not attached yet, but will be next year; no sense in letting it get weathered over the winter. Aside from painting and a little detail work here and there, I'm pretty much done for the year, and will put the run up in the spring.

Anne Your coop is looking great!!!!!

Can i suggest one thing? I has this problem and had to re do my nesting box. I would slope the back end of your nesting box. I had mine flat like you did the first time around. Water will lay on top of it and run into my nesting box where it is hinged. My boxes were soaked and your wood will rot out alot quicker if water can lay on it!
Anne Your coop is looking great!!!!!

Can i suggest one thing? I has this problem and had to re do my nesting box. I would slope the back end of your nesting box. I had mine flat like you did the first time around. Water will lay on top of it and run into my nesting box where it is hinged. My boxes were soaked and your wood will rot out alot quicker if water can lay on it!
I agree. I'll add put roofing paper over the nest boxes too, making sure there's no way for water or ice to get in where the hinges and joints (where the box meets the coop) are.
[COLOR=0000FF]Wow, BBG, hope you're feeling better soon, and I hope Gavin is too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Sharron, losing memory is the worst. [/COLOR]:hugs [COLOR=0000FF]This is 'Dreamer' standing with her peeps, she thinks she's a chook.[/COLOR]
Goats seem like such goofy animals. I was thinking about getting a few goats for milk. Are they hard to raise?
I like em, I think they're easy keepers, as long as you keep an eye on them. They are clearing brush for me, and we were milking them this past summer after they kidded. I would say the hardest part of keeping them is keeping them fenced.
I like the variety packs but I wish they would not put the IPAs in them. I just don't like them. To me they taste like fermented grapefruit or an alcoholic Fresca. I am leaning toward building. I can't justify $500 for a small 4 x 4 coop.
Build!! I never built anything in my life ever! I am really proud of my coop! Its alot of work but fun and rewarding! I just got on here and looked through the coops and got ideas on what I wanted and how I wanted it to look. Read some things abour design and what people wouldnt do if they built another ones or things they would do. It doesnt have to be fantsy it just has to work and give the birds the main things they need to thrive!! I used mostly recycled items! I dug old shingles out of a dumpster (i asked first) but I used a pallet for the base of my coop and went on from there! I think with building the coop and run I spent 100 maybe 150. I did have to by some 2x4's for the run along with the wire. But if your smart you can find stuff cheap. I bought paint for the coop but it was the missed colored stuff, I think I paid 8 dollars for a gallon and you would never know it wasnt the color it was suppose to be! :) There are alot of builder place around like surplus city, or there are even sometimes places that resell items people dont need or what like a good will for building supplies. Craglist the paper yard sells. If your not in a rush you can really get what you need for cheap.Also, I know home depot sells scrap wood left over from people getting stuff cut their and not needing the rest or it. or sometimes it will be a 2x4 thats broke but still long enough to make something outta it. These kinda things are usually under a dollar depending. I started my coop the end of Feb and finished it in May. I only worked on it a few evenings a week after dinner.
Wow, Brittany!! Yer coop is amazing, and love the name! Is your Dane bred, should we be expecting puppy pics?
This thread is AWESOME!!!!! It's nice to see so many like minded folks in my neck of the woods.

I'm new to the site but I started framing out my coop last weekend and plan to have everything ready for February (which is when Pckering Valley Feed should have new chicks in).
I like em, I think they're easy keepers, as long as you keep an eye on them. They are clearing brush for me, and we were milking them this past summer after they kidded. I would say the hardest part of keeping them is keeping them fenced.

Yea there was a goat that got away from someone that actually looked exactly like yours and was living wildly for a few weeks. It would come into my yard and eat my rose bushes. I tried so hard to try to catch the thing but it was near impossible. I couldn't bait it or anything. The lady that ended up catching it used to be a rancher and she lassoed the goat. It escaped from the owners pen. But yea, I heard about how hard they are to keep in, because they can climb. From researching it seems that an electric fence is the best option
This thread is AWESOME!!!!! It's nice to see so many like minded folks in my neck of the woods.

I'm new to the site but I started framing out my coop last weekend and plan to have everything ready for February (which is when Pckering Valley Feed should have new chicks in).

Howdy from Malvern...nice to see another close neighbor....Pickering is great(Talk to Randy)....depending on what you are looking for, there's some local breeders with really nice chooks...(see Blarney's recent pics)...there's also alot of folks in Berks and Lancaster that hatch some really nice chicks that aren't easy to find from the big hatcheries....
Build!! I never built anything in my life ever! I am really proud of my coop! Its alot of work but fun and rewarding! I just got on here and looked through the coops and got ideas on what I wanted and how I wanted it to look. Read some things abour design and what people wouldnt do if they built another ones or things they would do. It doesnt have to be fantsy it just has to work and give the birds the main things they need to thrive!! I used mostly recycled items! I dug old shingles out of a dumpster (i asked first) but I used a pallet for the base of my coop and went on from there! I think with building the coop and run I spent 100 maybe 150. I did have to by some 2x4's for the run along with the wire. But if your smart you can find stuff cheap. I bought paint for the coop but it was the missed colored stuff, I think I paid 8 dollars for a gallon and you would never know it wasnt the color it was suppose to be! :) There are alot of builder place around like surplus city, or there are even sometimes places that resell items people dont need or what like a good will for building supplies. Craglist the paper yard sells. If your not in a rush you can really get what you need for cheap.Also, I know home depot sells scrap wood left over from people getting stuff cut their and not needing the rest or it. or sometimes it will be a 2x4 thats broke but still long enough to make something outta it. These kinda things are usually under a dollar depending. I started my coop the end of Feb and finished it in May. I only worked on it a few evenings a week after dinner.
It looks awesome! I just noticed the lights, great touch! Thanks for the inspiration! You put me to shame, my coop looks like it was built by Mr. Magoo! Oh well, function over form in my backyard.
Anne Your coop is looking great!!!!! Can i suggest one thing? I has this problem and had to re do my nesting box. I would slope the back end of your nesting box. I had mine flat like you did the first time around. Water will lay on top of it and run into my nesting box where it is hinged. My boxes were soaked and your wood will rot out alot quicker if water can lay on it! :barnie
I agree. I'll add put roofing paper over the nest boxes too, making sure there's no way for water or ice to get in where the hinges and joints (where the box meets the coop) are.
Thanks guys, I don't know if I can angle the roof of the nest box now, but I do have some roofing paper I was planning to put on top of it. Do you guys think that will cut it? I guess I will see how it goes over the winter, since I will get my chooks in late winter, early spring. I appreciate the help!
This thread is AWESOME!!!!! It's nice to see so many like minded folks in my neck of the woods. I'm new to the site but I started framing out my coop last weekend and plan to have everything ready for February (which is when Pckering Valley Feed should have new chicks in).
Welcome! Glad to have you here!
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