Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

It is very possible that someone has already said a whole lot on this topic and I just missed it..........


I am wondering if anyone on here raises quail?

Just curious.............

Used to, but not now... I had a few buttons, I loved them, we called them redneck parakeets! I love when the males do a little call, it sounds like they where laughing, so funny!!
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The new model is out... did you send it yet?
I hatched about 80 last year, all bobwhite. Sold some on here, some got loose, still have 2 females.

I have heard that quail eggs are very nutritious ----even more so than chicken eggs..............

also from my recent appears raising quail is very similar to raising chickens .........less space needed............similar feed sort of............

did you enjoy raising them?

what was your main reason for raising quail..............meat, eggs, both? breeding?
I've never gotten an egg.
I raised them just to try, plus it was for a hatch and greatly increased my eggs set county. No, seriously, that was a reason!
They eat basically the same, don't need a lot of space, are fun and cute.

The bad. They are poop machines.
It is very possible that someone has already said a whole lot on this topic and I just missed it..........


I am wondering if anyone on here raises quail?

Just curious.............

We have some Bobwhites. We eat the eggs which are very hard to crack and peel due to their thick membrane. We have 2 males and 8 females. I love hearing the males calling in the morning.

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