Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So your quail may have had a little help escaping?... Did it work? Do you hear the call?

Bobwhites roost in coveys on the ground and are very easy targets for hawks and foxes. Most escapees don't survive. :/

Plus the. type of cold we had this year does tend to do them in. I keep my quail (bobs & cots) inside in winter if I winter any over. Wasn't able to winter any this year because of the moves but I just set a batch of 19 eggs from Sara so will be back in the game with them by about the 16th.
Quote: Anne, I use plastic totes for when they're just hatched and then move them to a child's swimming pool. I use poster board for the sides and when they find their wings.... I have a piece of wildlife netting that I put on top to help the little buggers stay put. (I put the kids to work with some markers on a snowy day)

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How did trapping go?

My plan was to raise coturnix this summer for eggs. I won't have any good layers until next winter when the pullets I hatch this summer start laying. I refuse to eat store eggs (my dad found a guy at work with hens, so if worse comes to worse). So I'm gonna get five or six coturnix hens and close the underneath of my coop into a run. It'll be perfect. A guy at the TSC swaps has any bird that you could think of and he lives right down the road so if you want something he can just go home and get it.

But... now my dad says if we get guineas for the ticks we aren't getting quail because he says " We aren't having chickens, guinea, AND quail. No."

But daaaaaaad.
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[COLOR=0000FF]Anne, I use plastic totes for when they're just hatched and then move them to a child's swimming pool. I use poster board for the sides and when they find their wings.... I have a piece of wildlife netting that I put on top to help the little buggers stay put. (I put the kids to work with some markers on a snowy day)[/COLOR]
Oo! I may use this idea instead. I have lots of cardboard available. But not much room, lol. I really appreciate the help from you all! The chicks are doing well. I remembered last night that I have a food scale that weights in grams, (originally bought to check the parrot's weight). and I was able to weigh them. I was surprised to find out who was the lightest one. It's hard to tell with all that fluff! Ponderings.... I wonder if having the chooks in the same room as the parrots boosts their immunity at all because they are only a few feet apart. Or if my parrots carry or am have immunity to cocci. Hhhmmmm...

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