Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Quote: Well said.

Is this the onion snow, finally??
I sure hope so! Got my onions in this weekend.

Quote: I definitely won't! All the babies are peeping their butts off in the bator, I can hear them all the way from the living room! I may have to move them to the brooder tonight (even though it's "against the rules").
Woo HOOOO chickies!

I had a singleton hatch 2 days ago. I am having the WORST hatches EVER. So I stuck the poor guy in with some 2 week olds...they seem to be doing much better than I thought.
^ Well glad he's doing well! I keep calling all the chicks "he's" and my mom doesn't like it!

I tried to wipe the gunk off the little chick's head... it didn't come off. Oh well. I'll try tomorrow. I don't wanna open the bator again.
Our chicks are growing so fast! Only 11 days old but getting so big and, starting to like the fermented feed :) I did what you guys said and sprinkled dry feed over it and then took their dry feeder out for the day. I just put they dry feed back in but a couple still chose to pick at the fermented stuff instead. I'm going to keep doing that. Every morning put in fresh fermented feed and take out the dry stuff then put it back in the evening for whoever chooses to pick at it. Does that sound ok? Also, even my shyest chick is starting to come to me to try to get some meal worm treats and the one that was most flighty is loosening up. One of my marans is growing a bigger comb already than the rest and my smallest baby in the brooder managed to get her butt up on the roost that I have in there for them lol. So much going on! I spend so much time watching chick TV anymore it's crazy lol.
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More chicks!

7 Blue Bredas and 2 Splash
3 New Hampshires

The one with his head down is fine, just getting really sleepy. Eventually they figure out it's harder to sleep standing up.
If anyone is interested... here is a picture of my son's legs, you can really see the swelling that is still present. He has had two X-Ray's now.

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