Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

A friend had her two goats here until they could get their setup ready for them... Let me tell you, that was the best thing that the man ever let me do... I no longer want goats, because they were horrible! Luckily they were only here for like 3 months and I hadn't bought my own!
gig.gif is funny and sad at the same time...funny because he now knows he doesn't want a goat! and sad because now this goat needs a home...
**this is why I am helping someone else who already has goats FIRST, then if I still feel the need/desire for one I will be very educated in what it takes to keep/care for them....this goes for anyone looking to get any animal, sometimes if we just take some time to do an "internship", if you will, then more people would make better decisions as to actually having animals..then maybe not so many animals would have to be given away or left on the side of the road.....we live in such a "have to get what I want right NOW", right this second world!
No one takes any time to learn first to try to understand what they are getting into...i guess if it doesn't work out we can just post it up on craigslist...rant over-just had to let it out

will have to look into that you know if it is available at TSC?...well, geesh..I will just look..maybe I will find some "other" little goodies too


I agree 100% !
I call it the carnival goldfish syndrome. I hope they don't still do that. When I was a boy, I had a pond in the backyard (actually an old bathtub sunk into the ground) and I got lots of goldfish to stock it with by standing near the goldfish booth at the carnival and offering to give the goldfish that people didn't really want, a good home. It was a good home to - paradise compared to the short life in a bowl that most were consigned to. Everyone came out ahead.
gig.gif is funny and sad at the same time...funny because he now knows he doesn't want a goat!
Agreed, we all need to be good stewards and that involves doing research into whatever animal we acquire.
Or if you didnt do that.. before ...take responsibility for your actions .

We got ducks ...very messy ...lots of work keeping a pool for them It & their cage .
I didnt want them in the coop with the chickens ..for the winter ...tried to get someone to take them ..
A lady 1 1/2 hours away would take them but wouldnt let me see her set up ..
So I decided to try to work out a solution ..Brought their cage in the coop. On top of their cage is a spot for my growing out chicks

So ..I decided to keep them . they are easier than the chickens ...when they are outside . I dont need to shovel a path for them or fill their pond ...they go down to the stream by themselves

What is cool about my duckies is notice they were quiet till I spoke to them ...then they chattered on .
Forgot to mention we got them for eggs ....un-sexed ..We got 3 Boys
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I need some advice everyone. I'm dealing with sour crop for the first time ever. Little Fria isn't feeling great. I've got her crop about half empty so far (stinks so bad!) I'm giving her a little break for a few minutes. I've been giving her a couple drops of water in between "draining" sessions. She's pooped once during all this and was trying to pick fuzzies of my hoodie. I know she's hungry. Once I get her crop empty (do I have to get it completely empty?) What do I do next? Just water for a while? Scrambled eggs with olive oil? I'm planning to keep her inside for a couple days to make sure she's ok but being that she's about 7 weeks old, I'm worried her mother won't remember her when I take her back out and she'll be on her own. Just some advice, please.
Today I got two eggs... Very unsual because my chickens haven't laid all winter and they laid two eggs on a clowdy day, and early January the daylights not increasing. They're going into year three and I don't remember any of them laying this early...
Yay for good surprises!
A friend had her two goats here until they could get their setup ready for them... Let me tell you, that was the best thing that the man ever let me do... I no longer want goats, because they were horrible! Luckily they were only here for like 3 months and I hadn't bought my own!
I'd love to hear about why you hated having the goat. I was thinking about it for the future, so it's always good to hear the pros and cons. "A man with an experience is not at the mercy of a man with an opinion." - unknown :lol:
Or if you didnt do that.. before ...take responsibility for your actions . We got ducks ...very messy ...lots of work keeping a pool for them It & their cage . I didnt want them in the coop with the chickens ..for the winter ...tried to get someone to take them .. A lady 1 1/2 hours away would take them but wouldnt let me see her set up .. So I decided to try to work out a solution ..Brought their cage in the coop. On top of their cage is a spot for my growing out chicks So ..I decided to keep them . they are easier than the chickens ...when they are outside . I dont need to shovel a path for them or fill their pond ...they go down to the stream by themselves What is cool about my duckies is notice they were quiet till I spoke to them ...then they chattered on . Forgot to mention we got them for eggs ....un-sexed ..We got 3 Boys
Love the video! Now you just need a female. What kind of ducks are those? They look very healthy and happy!
Today I got two eggs... Very unsual because my chickens haven't laid all winter and they laid two eggs on a clowdy day, and early January the daylights not increasing. They're going into year three and I don't remember any of them laying this early...

yep one of my CCL girls turned on about 4 days ago and one of the non-laying orps was hanging out in a nest box this morning....maybe its a 'lunar' thing.......

I need some advice everyone. I'm dealing with sour crop for the first time ever. Little Fria isn't feeling great. I've got her crop about half empty so far (stinks so bad!) I'm giving her a little break for a few minutes. I've been giving her a couple drops of water in between "draining" sessions. She's pooped once during all this and was trying to pick fuzzies of my hoodie. I know she's hungry. Once I get her crop empty (do I have to get it completely empty?) What do I do next? Just water for a while? Scrambled eggs with olive oil? I'm planning to keep her inside for a couple days to make sure she's ok but being that she's about 7 weeks old, I'm worried her mother won't remember her when I take her back out and she'll be on her own. Just some advice, please.

I couldn't get her crop competely empty but from what I read, I should try every morning and evening. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. Right now, she's hanging out in a pet carrier in my living room. I mixed done ACV in some water for her and I gave her some yogurt with a small egg scrambled in it and a little olive oil added in to help lube up her crop. I hippie I'm doing the right thing. She seems quite content right now though she freaks out of she can't see anyone. Poor girl has never been away from her brother and sister so I'm trying to keep her company as much as possible.
I've been getting an egg a day from someone. the rest lay their eggs somewhere I can't them. I'll be gettign6 new chicks when TSC has there's in March. I'm not sure how I'll introduce them to the coop. I'll figure that out when the time comes I guess.
I couldn't get her crop competely empty but from what I read, I should try every morning and evening. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. Right now, she's hanging out in a pet carrier in my living room. I mixed done ACV in some water for her and I gave her some yogurt with a small egg scrambled in it and a little olive oil added in to help lube up her crop. I hippie I'm doing the right thing. She seems quite content right now though she freaks out of she can't see anyone. Poor girl has never been away from her brother and sister so I'm trying to keep her company as much as possible.

So far it sounds like you are doing good with her.... to avoid her loneliness you could bring her mama hen and sibs for the day. They are fine eating the scrambled eggs and yogurt and it may keep her more content.
Do the birds have a source of grit in the coop? Usually when free ranging they don't need anything additional but with being more 'cooped up' with the bad weather it may be a good idea to provide some grit for them. Ours get it from the sand we use in the coop and the gravel in the run.... you can provide them a small area with coarse sand in it (such as a kiddie pool) and scatter a bit of scratch in it. The birds will pick up some of the tiny gravel pieces in the process of digging for the scratch.
So far it sounds like you are doing good with her.... to avoid her loneliness you could bring her mama hen and sibs for the day.  They are fine eating the scrambled eggs and yogurt and it may keep her more content. 
Do the birds have a source of grit in the coop?  Usually when free ranging they don't need anything additional but with being more 'cooped up' with the bad weather it may be a good idea to provide some grit for them.  Ours get it from the sand we use in the coop and the gravel in the run.... you can provide them a small area with coarse sand in it (such as a kiddie pool) and scatter a bit of scratch in it.  The birds will pick up some of the tiny gravel pieces in the process of digging for the scratch.

The run is just a dirt floor but I do have a sandbox in there (turtle box) with sand in it for dust bathing. I never see them use it for that though. I do have to add more sand to it since it seems to be dwindling. They've been getting out to free range a lot over the past week and I noticed her stretching her neck/head funny 2 days ago but I thought she was just fill. Seemed ok yesterday morning but then she was doing it again later in the afternoon. I checked her crop last night and it felt kind of soft while everyone else's were full and hard so first thing this morning, I checked her before she even got out of the coop. Still squishy. I never thought I'd be helping a bird puke and never imagined how BAD it would stink. YUK! She wants to eat a lot, even though it's bothering her when her crop folks up but she has very little interest in water. Should I be concerned about that?

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