Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


Hoppy Easter
tuna fish maybe...corn..., it sounds like you already have quiet the array of things available for them...i hope they start to put some weight on for you..
Their poops are solid and look "normal"?...not watery?...
I am just taking a guess here...i don't know much about Barred rocks..although I REALLY like them...I would say the lighter of the two is the cockerel..and the darker the pullet..hahaha,
or...the opposite..or both are the same sex..:smack ..sorry, i had to do it..
the leg color on the lighter one is really nice and yellow....wish my girls(wyandottes) had that color on their legs..but, they are laying and that makes things dull-down a little sometimes..:/  

Yeah I'm thinking now that the darker one is the barred rock pullet and that the other is a cockerel Dominique. The barred rock is really friendly!!!
I think all that are going to hatch have made it out for the Easter HAL. Final count: 84
Not bad. Best hatch ever of Ameraucanas (14) and BCMs (13). Very happy to have 23 more Welsummers too, I love that breed!

In other new, one of my project hens has started laying and I saved the first one today. She is 3/4 Welsummer, but is silver, not gold. I have her with a full-blooded Welsummer so her progeny will by 7/8 Welsummer and hopefully some will be gold. I suspect this may show as sex-linked, with all the cockerels being silver and hens being gold (normal WS color), in which case I will need to cross them back to their mother to get more silver hens.

Even at only 3/4 WS, her egg is very dark and thoroughly speckled.
Hey PA peoples! I started hatching recently and had a 100% hatch on seven eggs. Now I've got four little porcelain bantam cockerels left that I'm looking to find homes for. If anyone is interested or knows anyone who might be, let me know! Thanks! For reference, I'm near pittsburgh.
Good morning all:

Easter arrivals...F1 and F2 Olive Eggers....a couple of more pipped....(Day 22)

Also have a problem with a girl who's gone broody outside the coop....I moved her and her eggs back to her coop and added a milk crate for her to sit in but she refuses....I let her back out a couple of hours later and she went back to sit on an empty pile of leaves....I had to take her back to the coop after dark this evening...given my fox problem, I cannot let her stay out...any ideas how to break her???
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Their poops are solid not watery.
maybe try more straight protein, like the tuna...would also boost the egg the corn, that stuff goes right to my girls hips..hahaha
maybe mixing some meat-bird food into theirs..a finisher maybe...just throwing some ideas out there..good luck Barbie

Hoppy Easter
Nice!!! Hope you had a good one !!!

Yeah I'm thinking now that the darker one is the barred rock pullet and that the other is a cockerel Dominique. The barred rock is really friendly!!!
Totally forgot about the "Dominique"...if I had to just take a wild guess though..that would be the boy...always nice to have friendly birds that don't scream-running away from you..ahhaha, my broody hatched 2 are finally getting better with that whole :touchy" thing...i don't really give them a choice though, they are getting petted whether they like it or not...
...they get used to it after a bit, some even actually emjoy it and come over for a pet..n
SilkieSensaton, how are you liking the warm Ohio weather? I'm afraid of returning to Pennsylvania in a few days!
Hey has warmed up here considerably...not too many snow piles left around. SO,..get your butt back here!!!
Happy Easter!

So flippin awesome!! You have goaties!!!
Happy easter!!! My chicks from Mc Murray are now 8 week's old. I ordered a barred rock and got the free mystery bird any guesses on which ones which what the mystery bird is and whether its a pullet or cockerel would be awesome !!!







Not sure what that hatchery carries..
The lighter colored one looks more Dominique than barred rock.

You really can not use the color difference when it comes to sexing hatchery stock, I am raising a few roosters up now that should of been hen.s if going by color
tuna fish maybe...corn..., it sounds like you already have quiet the array of things available for them...i hope they start to put some weight on for you..
Their poops are solid and look "normal"?...not watery?...
I am just taking a guess here...i don't know much about Barred rocks..although I REALLY like them...I would say the lighter of the two is the cockerel..and the darker the pullet..hahaha,
or...the opposite..or both are the same sex..:smack ..sorry, i had to do it..
the leg color on the lighter one is really nice and yellow....wish my girls(wyandottes) had that color on their legs..but, they are laying and that makes things dull-down a little sometimes..:/  

Yeah I'm thinking now that the darker one is the barred rock pullet and that the other is a cockerel Dominique. The barred rock is really friendly!!!

Sorry, I answered before reading to the end.
If you plan on having any roosters, Dominique are a good choice, I have them in my flck and they have nevered showed any people aggression.

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