Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

SilkieSensaton, how are you liking the warm Ohio weather? I'm afraid of returning to Pennsylvania in a few days!
Hey has warmed up here considerably...not too many snow piles left around. SO,..get your butt back here!!!;) ....
Happy Easter!
So flippin awesome!! You have goaties!!!:love
I don't wanna! :-(( Reality hurts too much.
Hoppy Easter
Ha! Love it.
tuna fish maybe...corn..., it sounds like you already have quiet the array of things available for them...i hope they start to put some weight on for you.. Their poops are solid and look "normal"?...not watery?... I am just taking a guess here...i don't know much about Barred rocks..although I REALLY like them...I would say the lighter of the two is the cockerel..and the darker the pullet..hahaha, or...the opposite..or both are the same sex..:smack ..sorry, i had to do it.. the leg color on the lighter one is really nice and yellow....wish my girls(wyandottes) had that color on their legs..but, they are laying and that makes things dull-down a little sometimes..:/
Yeah I'm thinking now that the darker one is the barred rock pullet and that the other is a cockerel Dominique. The barred rock is really friendly!!!
I agree, barred rock pullet, Dominique cockerel.
Happy Easter!
Have very sweet!!! A lamb and a kid? Or are both pics of the lamb...? . :love
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I recently won an auction for some Ayam Cemani eggs....sure hope they hatch, I only got 6 and the air cells were a bit of a mess when they arrived. The good news is that they came with a dozen mystery eggs, some marked 'orp' some marked 'RB' rhode bar? And some unmarked....hmmmm
Had given my nephew some eggs and an incubator to watch for an easter hatch. One chick was hatched and the kids were going outside to play. His 7yo didn't want the chick to be lonely, so he put a friend next to the incubator to keep it company.

The pictures were both of the same little ram lamb. I'm still waiting on my other ewe to lamb. She was due on the 1st, but they sure like to take their time! :D

The one sebbie goose was keeping me company and grooming me while I sat out and sunbathed today. :D

How big are Sebastopol geese? I have looked at them for a while but my aunt has toolouse geese and they are soooo mean I don't want that on my farm and they are soo big. I don't think Sebastopol geese become mean do they?
I have Sebbies and Toulouse. They're about the same size, but the sebbies weigh less. Mine are all great, but I suppose any gander has the potential to be a little grouchy if he's defending his nest. The main thing you have to remember is that you're encroaching on your aunt's geese's territory. Mine won't bother me, even when they are nesting, but the one sebbie did hiss at and threaten a friend the other day. They are watch dogs... So, while they get along with everybody here, they don't like intruders or strangers.
Oh me and my aunt (And Uncle) technically live on the same property (About 300 acres) and live only about a football field apart and her geese come into my yard all the time. My dog normally gets them out but they are mean to everyone. Even my aunt. They attack about everything. They tried attacking my dog but that didn't go well... for the geese. There was only ever one nice goose but then again he was blind....

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