Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I was just talking to a relative, he informed me that I need to decide if I want white eggs or brown eggs. If I want white, keep them penned up. If I want brown, they need to scratch in the dirt. I laughed, and said I didn't think so. He insisted. I could not politely convince him otherwise.
I was just talking to a relative, he informed me that I need to decide if I want white eggs or brown eggs. If I want white, keep them penned up. If I want brown, they need to scratch in the dirt. I laughed, and said I didn't think so. He insisted. I could not politely convince him otherwise.

I just fell off my elliptical because I was laughing so hard!
Hmm... maybe I need to send Romeo to freezer camp and replace him with a friendlier Black Australorp roo... have any to spare? I'm at my wit's end with this boy, he used to be so sweet and then Spring came and now he can be a real bully sometimes. I want to keep a BA roo so we can hatch more layers for the main coop, but I can't deal with a moody roo when my kids and their friends want to play in the back yard (with the chickens of course, because chickens are awesome).

I would send him to the freezer if he is aggressive for no reason. All roosters will be slightly cocky, it is just a natural condition to have that bearing so they can maintain order in their flock. But overly pushy or not giving way to any human gets them removed from our yard.

Gabby is my only pure BA... so can't offer you any BAs, though we do have a lot of young fellows, one of whom looks just like Gabby and must be from him and one of our Jersey Giants. If you go to the BA threads on here you should be able to find a good quality cockerel for your flock from one of the breeders. They tend to hold onto a bunch of youngsters until they choose 1 or 2 for future breeding. The rest are still great birds by almost any standards, just not the absolute right fit for their breeding intentions.
I had some true 'mystery eggs' hatch, one that was marked 'orp' is looking like a chocolate, the other orp is looking like a mottled. If it is indeed a chocolate cockerel, I have no use for him.

Oh, yes, please let me know!

For some of us, many more than a dozen lol

But... I have less than 40 birds. I am still completely sane!
I do have well over 150 eggs in the 'bator, though...

So, I got some quail eggs 2wks ago from a BYCer. My initial 1wk candling didn't look good. The box was really beat up and two eggs were cracked. I didn't see anything developing, but they fooled me the last time I hatched quail. Well, they were in fact duds. The BYCer is going to replace them, and I am so grateful. Quail have been on my list of "needs" for 2yrs. I told her about the shipping fiasco last year. A woman sent me 70 from an eBay auction. She put the eggs in plastic quail egg cartoon and put the LOOSE with no padding in a flat, large flat-rate box. She couldn't understand why all but 11 were broke. Of the 11, 7 hatched. I had a few with cross beak and leg issues. Two made it to 5wks. My daughter left their cage open and they got out. The year before I was going to buy locally, but a friend wanted them, so I let her have them. This time, she's packing a #7 box as full as she can! She said she's going to make sure I get my quail this time. ;)

Another funny...
I went to the MD swap in April. I got 7 birds - 6 wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana chicks and 1 black bantam Cochin cockerel. Well, I noticed within the first week they were feathering weird. Then that their bodies are a weird shape. The guys had the Ams in with Jubilee Orps. Today I noticed at 4wks, they still have white/pale pink legs. I had my daughter catch them for me. Sure enough, both have straight combs. I have 2 Jubilee Orps I had no intentions of getting. I have no idea what I am going to do with them. Guess it depends on their genders.
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Oh, yes, please let me know!

But... I have less than 40 birds.  I am still completely sane!
I do have well over 150 eggs in the 'bator, though... 

So, I got some quail eggs 2wks ago from a BYCer.  My initial 1wk candling didn't look good.  The box was really beat up and two eggs were cracked.  I didn't see anything developing, but they fooled me the last time I hatched quail.  Well, they were in fact duds.  The BYCer is going to replace them, and I am so grateful.  Quail have been on my list of "needs" for 2yrs.  I told her about the shipping fiasco last year.  A woman sent me 70 from an eBay auction.  She put the eggs in plastic quail egg cartoon and put the LOOSE with no padding in a flat, large flat-rate box.  She couldn't understand why all but 11 were broke.  Of the 11, 7 hatched.  I had a few with cross beak and leg issues.  Two made it to 5wks.  My daughter left their cage open and they got out.  The year before I was going to buy locally, but a friend wanted them, so I let her have them.  This time, she's packing a #7 box as full as she can!  She said she's going to make sure I get my quail this time.  ;)

Another funny...
I went to the MD swap in April.  I got 7 birds - 6 wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana chicks and 1 black bantam Cochin cockerel.  Well, I noticed within the first week they were feathering weird.  Then that their bodies are a weird shape.  The guys had the Ams in with Jubilee Orps.  Today I noticed at 4wks, they still have white/pale pink legs.  I had my daughter catch them for me.  Sure enough, both have straight combs.  I have 2 Jubilee Orps I had no intentions of getting.  I have no idea what I am going to do with them.  Guess it depends on their genders.

If you weren't so far away, I'd jump on those orps.

I can probably get about a dozen quail eggs in three days if people want them, two dozen in a week. I saved 5 days to send 25 to someone. If anyone wants any, I'm hatching at about 50% not being careful about it, no candling, no watching tennis or humidity, etc.

Not sure it's worth the shipping and packaging, though.
I was just talking to a relative, he informed me that I need to decide if I want white eggs or brown eggs. If I want white, keep them penned up. If I want brown, they need to scratch in the dirt. I laughed, and said I didn't think so. He insisted. I could not politely convince him otherwise.
What do you need to do if you want green and blue eggs?

@emorems0 I just have my BA roo. I had extras last year
Mine is a super sweet man but is always on the girls. He is my sweet rooster. Good thing too because he is huge. I just have 2 GLW roosters that need a new home. Sweet boys too.
Hmm... maybe I need to send Romeo to freezer camp and replace him with a friendlier Black Australorp roo... have any to spare? I'm at my wit's end with this boy, he used to be so sweet and then Spring came and now he can be a real bully sometimes. I want to keep a BA roo so we can hatch more layers for the main coop, but I can't deal with a moody roo when my kids and their friends want to play in the back yard (with the chickens of course, because chickens are awesome).
Not sure if these guys are still available but saw them on craigslist.
If you weren't so far away, I'd jump on those orps.

I can probably get about a dozen quail eggs in three days if people want them, two dozen in a week. I saved 5 days to send 25 to someone. If anyone wants any, I'm hatching at about 50% not being careful about it, no candling, no watching tennis or humidity, etc.

Not sure it's worth the shipping and packaging, though.
If I had an incubator I might take you up on the quail offer. Maybe next year after I convince the wife I NEED a bator

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