Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi Wingstone!

I grew up in Huntingdon county (went swimming in the Three Springs pool many times - not sure if it's still there now).  Southern Huntingdon County - where you're looking - is actually a little more rural than the northern part that I called my stomping grounds for 18 years.  It's a beautiful area (I am admittedly biased), but depending on where you're coming from may seem to be lacking in "services" - no mall within an hour or so, not sure about the nearest Walmart, but farm and feed stores?  That's a whole different question!  I have fond memories of the feed mill as a kid, and because of the large number of hobby farmers (and "real" farmers"), finding like-minded people shouldn't be an issue.  The Huntingdon Co. fair used to have the largest livestock exhibition of any county fair in the state.  There is a local paper called the Valley Log that, if you can find it online, would give you an idea of the sense of small town rural community that you could expect to find.

I'm a little envious ;) , home is always awesome...although I love where we live now (west Union county), too!

I'll gladly answer anything I parents still live there, so I hear a lot!

Sounds like wingstone's kind of place.

Or me. Thank goodness my family is the polar opposite of hers.
Quote: sounds quite pleasant to me..
The mall...when my girls hit the teenage year's I used to bribe other's to take them to the mall so I did not have to go to that hideous the re-uzit shops and goodwill, I was a regular customer
services... we had no internet or cable tv up to a couple of year's ago..and if need be we could go back to that.
we are the type that takes great pride in doing for ourselves...
front porch swing is much more relaxing than anything else.

Single ram

Same twin ewe as below :D

Twin ewe

Twin ram

I'm hoping to get $250 for each ram lamb and $300 for the ewe lamb. That covers ear tagging/scrapies, ivermectin preventative, CD/T and pastuerella vaccinations and booster and NASSA registration. That's a mouthful to say, LOL! I could do better if a pair or all three go at once, of course. :)

Shetlands can be milked and have a delicately flavored, tender meat (even the mutton) and the wool can be used for spinning projects. Shetlands are the perfect homestead type sheep, being tri-purpose and still small enough for almost anybody to handle. They are also extremely hardy and can survive on pasture and mineral. I only grain ewes in milk, while milking (just enough to keep them standing and patient), the ram and lambs only get mineral and hay over winter. Very, very efficient homestead animals.

I wanted alpacas, but the horror stories... Apparently they often need to be tied to be maintained (shearing and toenail trimming) and are just nasty little boogers. :(

The older ram lamb (grey) and the ewe lamb are sold. The only little guy remaining is the one with white spotting over his body and face.
sounds quite pleasant to me..
The mall...when my girls hit the teenage year's I used to bribe other's to take them to the mall so I did not have to go to that hideous the re-uzit shops and goodwill, I was a regular customer
services... we had no internet or cable tv up to a couple of year's ago..and if need be we could go back to that.
we are the type that takes great pride in doing for ourselves...
front porch swing is much more relaxing than anything else.

The mall: that annoying building I drive past on my way to work with cars circling it from thanksgiving to Christmas.

If TSC, the grocery store, home depot, hardware store or the dollar store don't have it, I probably don't need it. OK, a couple times a year I run to Kmart.
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Somebody please buy this place so we can have some more like minded people near us (and maybe buy a couple acres off you eventually lol). This is right around the corner from us.

It just gave me the website, not the listing.

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