Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey, as long as it's good and it's something you enjoy can always give the wine away to folks that do (and that would be me! lol) you do any canning? You could make jellies or jams?
yes, i can and freeze all i can but since i have diabetes i try to stay away from as much sugar as i can, course i can always make the no sugar kind i guess, i know, i had asked for help and then shoot down the ideas lol, but i do appreciate the help
Well I couldn't catch Pete last night. I had hoped he would have figured out how to get back but I guess not. Have not seen him today and there's some feathers on the other side of the fence. Dang it. I am going to handle the next batch of chicks to prevent this. Lesson learned.
wow after reading mother earth wine making, think i better just make grape juice then freeze or can it, can always make wine later, right now i don't have the equipment.

You don't need much. A glass container, a bung and an airlock for in it. I've made it, then put into canning jars and it was okay. I've since bought a corker and have wine bottles and the like. You'd obviously need a yeast and juice or fruit as well.
You don't need much. A glass container, a bung and an airlock for in it. I've made it, then put into canning jars and it was okay. I've since bought a corker and have wine bottles and the like. You'd obviously need a yeast and juice or fruit as well.
just goes to show how dumb i am, what is a bung and an airlock? a corker, for putting a cork into the bottle? and the only yeast i have is for bread making,
A bung is a rubber cork. :) An airlock is something that you fill with water that is designed to let air out, but not back in, so your cO2 from the yeast farts can escape, but no air containing wild yeasts/bacteria can get back in. It basically helps to keep it pure and unadulterated so it doesn't turn to vinegar. :) Bread making yeast can work, but it's not as good. You can get cheap wine yeast for $1-2 a pack and each pack will make up to five gallons.
This morning my Easter egger hen that I hatched out this year cock a doodle dooed in my face this morning. I am heart broken. Was looking forward to another Easter egger hen. "Her" 2 brothers both have pointed saddle feathers and she didn't show any and I was so hopeful that she was a she. Well it looks like 3 more chickens will be going to freezer camp.
:hit This morning my Easter egger hen that I hatched out this year cock a doodle dooed in my face this morning. I am heart broken. Was looking forward to another Easter egger hen. "Her" 2 brothers both have pointed saddle feathers and she didn't show any and I was so hopeful that she was a she. Well it looks like 3 more chickens will be going to freezer camp. :hit

Maybe she's a crowing hen? You can always post pics :)
This morning my Easter egger hen that I hatched out this year cock a doodle dooed in my face this morning. I am heart broken. Was looking forward to another Easter egger hen. "Her" 2 brothers both have pointed saddle feathers and she didn't show any and I was so hopeful that she was a she. Well it looks like 3 more chickens will be going to freezer camp.


I've had two girls 'cross over' and start crowing(they stilled layed).....I am hoping my junior boy will take all in tow ,,,,,til I get the Roo(s) in place I want...small flocks have interesting dynamics...

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