Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Thanks to all of you who chimed in with advice about getting my chickens in at're all genius! I showed them snacks in the coop when I left. My son and I put a Halloween light in the coop before dark then left. When I came back at night there were no chickens at my back door- they were all snug in the coop. We left the light in there.Now it looks like they are watching TV.Thanks again all!!!!!!

Nice to see a good outcome! Watching TV? Ha!

Fiona is enjoying our guests at the chicken train motel ;-)
She's not gonna be mad at me when I come pick them up is she?
Nah, she'll be fine. I thought it would be nice for her to see them since they are on clean grass, but it didn't last... within a few minutes she was trying to crawl through the mud to see the big chickens and turkeys again. Kid needs to learn how to walk so she can spend time with her chickens without getting covered in chicken mud!

@chiques chicks , Adam's coming around
we even managed to weigh him today. 22 lbs! He's eating treats from my hand now too

Hi I just wanted everyone to know the chickens from the chicken train are doing awsome I know I'm supposed to keep them separated for two weeks but where I keep them the other birds could see them and get close to them even tho I hust them many times and they were just so cooped up and looked at the others enviously as they were out foraging that I dceded to let them out together. I know everyone says that's a big no no but around here we have never done quarantines and we have never had a problem I guess we are just blessed when it comes to chicken health. They integrated into my flock very easily except the new orpington rooster who is terrified of my old rooster who is a whopping three pounds on his heavy days lol. It is quite comical to watch. As soon as my old rooster gets close the new rooster which I named lone ranger runs away screaming like he was attacked. The hens fit in right away and the red one I named geegee follows me around no matter where I go when I'm out with them. The bantams are doing great to. They have there very own pen right now I don't want the big birds to hurt them I named the hen baby and the rooster is Shwayze and I wanted emorems0 to know they are just as loved. I know it may take a few days for every to start laying after traveling but I was wondering how often she lays an egg I think you said they were a year old I'm not very experienced with bantam hen. Again I want to thank emorems0 for transporting the chicken n the bantams and ChickieChicks for the others. I'll post pictures tomorrow if I get a chance.

Glad I could help enable!

I don't know much about Bantams, but I hadn't been getting any eggs out of the tractor since the last weasel casualty (so, some of the RIR hatch mates had been laying, but not my sister's and not the bantam). Could have been stress related due to predator pressure though, I'd think she is certainly old enough. Maybe once she settles in to her new coop.
Love the names! Everyone who saw those little bantams just loved them!
Nah, she'll be fine. I thought it would be nice for her to see them since they are on clean grass, but it didn't last... within a few minutes she was trying to crawl through the mud to see the big chickens and turkeys again. Kid needs to learn how to walk so she can spend time with her chickens without getting covered in chicken mud!
Yea but as soon as she is walking you'll wish she would just slow down and take a break.
:cd  Glad I could help enable!

I don't know much about Bantams, but I hadn't been getting any eggs out of the tractor since the last weasel casualty (so, some of the RIR hatch mates had been laying, but not my sister's and not the bantam). Could have been stress related due to predator pressure though, I'd think she is certainly old enough. Maybe once she settles in to her new coop.  

Love the names! Everyone who saw those little bantams just loved them!

Thank you so much for running the train. I'm glad everyone is pleased with their birds!
Wow! A blast from the past! How are things? Do you ever attend the pony games at Iron Horse Farm? It's the farm just across from ours, I thought you had a daughter interested... Liz Webb at Hacker Hollow keeps some gorgeous show winning silkies. I can shoot her a text.

No I haven't but I heard they were great! I looked at a piece of ground near there back in the summer, I think it was 20 acres or so.

I believe it's they are in Coatesville pa they have a facebook page


Welcome Back neighbor....There is a breeder in Coatsville named lisa...that has and shows silkies....Blarney has her contact info..(I think).....what's in you coop these days???

Officially 8 birds. Unofficially 13.

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