Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Got another question for you experienced chicken lovers. Bridget is done with her molt, looks great. Even more of a Speckled Speckled Sussex. Neat how that changed. When will she start laying again? How much time is there generally between molt and eggs?

Will likely take a few weeks for them to get back to normal. Slow down treats like scratch and boost protein.
Mine are constantly in the woods. Our yard is bordered by state game lambs across the back and there's a good syrup of words on each side between us and our neighbors. They basically have a clubhouse under a group of pines and numerous dust bathing spots inside the tree line. Not to mention all the bus they can find under the fallen leaves.

I was wrong by getting the conclusion from just seeing my neighbor's chickens.

Another newbie question: what kind of latches is REALLY raccoon-proof? Has to be locks? Just saw a dead coon near my house this morning. My neighbor has two large dogs to protect her free-range chickens, and she told me there's no predator here. Obviously, she is wrong about it. I have seen hawks, fox, coons. I believe our coop and run are safe from other predators other than coon. They are just too smart.
Mine are constantly in the woods. Our yard is bordered by state game lambs across the back and there's a good syrup of words on each side between us and our neighbors. They basically have a clubhouse under a group of pines and numerous dust bathing spots inside the tree line. Not to mention all the bus they can find under the fallen leaves.

I was wrong by getting the conclusion from just seeing my neighbor's chickens.

Another newbie question: what kind of latches is REALLY raccoon-proof? Has to be locks? Just saw a dead coon near my house this morning. My neighbor has two large dogs to protect her free-range chickens, and she told me there's no predator here. Obviously, she is wrong about it. I have seen hawks, fox, coons. I believe our coop and run are safe from other predators other than coon. They are just too smart. :/

Using a lock is your best bet.
I had Ariel back in surgery today. The bumble foot on the bottom of her foot is healing wonderfully but she had another lump, along the side of her toe. I left it go when I did surgery before because I thought it was just swelling. Well, I dug it out today since it was obviously a hard lump now. This core that came out was big too but it's not white like the other one was. This one was more grey-ish.I'm wondering if it was a cyst? Anyway, what a horrible place to have one! I swear, there must be an artery there. She will not stop bleeding! I held pressure on it, tried squeezing around her ankle as a pressure point. I finally just bandaged it thick and tight and added a cotton ball for extra pressure. I have her laying on my lap with her foot held up in the air, above heart level. Any advice on how to encourage the blood to clot? I really need to get some stiptic powder. ..
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