Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

@Auroradream26 I'm so glad to hear your lovely henny is feeling better better!

@Just Ducky10 I did ask my friend about her recommendations for treating lice and mites on ducks. She recommended Dawn as well, and her only other suggestions were chemical :/ i just figured I'd pass that on.
@dheltzel I have never intentionally free ranged turkey, but...
My first flock regularly for the coop (run) at whatever she they figured it out. Of course I'd herd them back to feed them.
My current run is enclosed, but I have the three wild type and two royal palms that showed up and stayed free ranging on the property. I don't know their she, but the toms beards are just starting to show, so I would estimate they are around 6 months. It is so cool to look up in the evening and see them roosting 20-30 feet up in a dead tree! The other day I was out feeding the goats and the the wild type decided to fly 100 yard across the road to the neighbors yard and field. Right over my head. They are so amazing in flight.

That's interesting. I would have thought turkeys would be terrible flyers since they seem to be a heavier bird.

I forgot to give you all an update on miss Penny! She moved back or to the coop about 2 days ago and is back to acting totally normal. She had managed to start to eat again and started pooping again and just being herself so I put her back out. All I did was feed her, water her, cuddle her, and gave her a warm bath. I all don't know what her issue is but she's out there now, running around in the straw in the run lol

So glad to hear that! My one girl made a comeback too. She's back to her old self like nothing ever happened. Who knows? Maybe they just want some pampering... :p

I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport right now and one of the first things I will do when I get home is check my broody. Hopefully she has been a good girl and stayed on her nest the whole time I have been away. And hopefully I can see some development in the turkey eggs. I need some peeps around here! :pop
Congtrats! Let's see some pics!

I'm hoping to see this too! I had to go away overnight, I'm hoping my broody got back on the right nest. Sometimes she gets on the other girls' eggs. Fingers crossed!
8 chicks hatched and 3 died today
, including the only Bielefelder pullet. I hope the one set to hatch this weekend do better. I'm going to reduce the humidity in the hatcher and see if that helps.
@Auroradream26 I'm so glad to hear your lovely henny is feeling better better!

@Just Ducky10 I did ask my friend about her recommendations for treating lice and mites on ducks. She recommended Dawn as well, and her only other suggestions were chemical :/ i just figured I'd pass that on.

Thanks for checking :) The DE seems to be taking care of it for now, but if the duck still has problems in a couple weeks I'll do the ACV or the dawn.
It looks a whole lot better now, putting on some weight, looking shinier, and almost no scratching. It's not from any people I asked so I'm putting up some found ads.
8 chicks hatched and 3 died today  :( , including the only Bielefelder pullet. I hope the one set to hatch this weekend do better. I'm going to reduce the humidity in the hatcher and see if that helps.

Sorry bout that. That stinks. On a positive note, i think 5 of the turkey eggs re viable. I tossed one last night that was completely clear, but the rest had some "darkness" on the one side. So excited! :celebrate

Hey All! I had a 'Stake Sighting' today. He's not been able to stop in, but if anyone needs to contact him, PM me and I can connect you.

Is he okay? Where has he been?
Sorry bout that. That stinks. On a positive note, i think 5 of the turkey eggs re viable. I tossed one last night that was completely clear, but the rest had some "darkness" on the one side. So excited!
Well, that is good news. I really hope she hatches a couple, you're going to love having turkey poults. I am continually amazed at how much tamer and more trusting they are than the chicks they are living with.
I haven't run into waterfowl lice, and I'm sorry that you have -- pretty much everything I could suggest from reading you've already done. This might be a bit of a stretch, but depending on how much the mystery duck is letting you touch him/her, is there any chance of giving a mild apple cider vinegar and water bath? I think just letting the duck splash around in it wouldn't help much, since it wouldn't get down to the skin, but I work as a dog groomer and we treat a lot of skin issues with ACV/water mixes. When my turkey had scaly leg mites one of the treatments I found involved scrubbing his legs with a toothbrush in an ACV mix. (Yeah, right! You try giving a 40#+ turkey a bath he doesn't want...) It helps with a lot of different skin issues and as long as you use a mild mix it doesn't hurt. Plus if they accidentally drink some it doesn't matterm unlike with, say, Dawn dish soap, which is good for a lot of skin issues but shouldn't go in mouths, eyes, or noses if it can be avoided. Then again, Dawn will stun mites and can sometimes smother them, again without harming your critters.

Sorry if that was a kind of a run-on train of thought. Since I don't have experience with this exact issue it seemed worthwhile to include my thought process in case there are any glaring issues with my logic! If I think of it I will ask my friend who works at the local wildlife rescue. I've 'inherited' several abandoned domestics from her, and she's always confirmed a lack of parasites before sending them my way.

Thanks. I already considered the dawn, but since it's not my duck I don't want to take away the waterproofing if it's feathers in case we find the owners and have them complain. I've also considered bathing it in ACV, but I'm not sure if that would mess with the waterproofing. If we haven't found the owners in a week and the duck still has mite/lice problems that's probably what I'll do. This morning when I checked for bugs I couldn't find any, but I'm pretty sure DE doesn't take care of the bug eggs so I'll have to keep dusting it/dust it again until there's no chance of them any more.

I'm also putting DE & ACV in its water to take care of any internal parasites as a precaution. (It doesn't look like it has any, but just in case)


Well it's a good thing he fell into your hands! The way I look at it, if someone didn't care about him enough to let him get in that condition, they probably won't mind you treating him.

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