Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oh well, at least you answered me Motorcyclechick, thanks. Sometimes I feel like I am shouting down an empty well when I post on this thread.

I know I'm about an hour to an hour and a half from you but I don't have anything but chicks right now. I'm not ready to give up my older girls yet.

Never feel ignored! Many of us see those posts and simply know we are to far away to unload, um, share, our extras. Always trying to think of a way or who might be close, though!

X2 or just don't have anything available to "unload" as you put it lol

I have lost more chooks than I care to admit....if you are seeing any...they are there....there range is usually pretty large and they can be away from your location without them leaving...they will study your coop and your movements and will adjust their hunting summer comes on they will be hunting at night more vigilant just because you don't see them or they are not digging at your pen doesn't mean they aren't there...sorry to be preachy....
Not preachy at all. I appreciate the voice of wisdom and experience. I'm still learning and want to protect our girls as best as we are able.
Williamsport Pa.

Hi! I live in MD but work in York, PA....does that count?
Tha's good enough for us! I think i can speak for the group when I say we have low standards.

Sounds like a good excuse to get one of those "trail cams" and get some photo evidence. I've always wanted one of those, just never had the need for one.

BTW, did any of you see the Craigslist Altoona or Pittsburgh ad about the guy in Lancaster who is giving away about 40 organic white leghorn Layers? Too far for me to drive, sigh. April 10th.

If only I was ready! I'd be all over that. I didn't respond to your post about unloading some hens, because I am al the way on the other side of the state. Otherwise, I would help ya out. :)
Hi there, I'm new and checked through 8 pages and didn't see anybody from Cambria, where Johnstown is... Does anyone here live around there know if we're allowed chickens? I can't find information on ordinances anywhere for us, and I figured I'd ask before I call some city official?

I have a pretty nice-sized backyard, but I'm only really looking to have maybe 2-3 chickens. I was reading you can actually house train and have house chickens too, with a temporary outdoor coop they can play in during the day. Anyone here who does that? .o
Hi there, I'm new and checked through 8 pages and didn't see anybody from Cambria, where Johnstown is... Does anyone here live around there know if we're allowed chickens? I can't find information on ordinances anywhere for us, and I figured I'd ask before I call some city official?

I have a pretty nice-sized backyard, but I'm only really looking to have maybe 2-3 chickens. I was reading you can actually house train and have house chickens too, with a temporary outdoor coop they can play in during the day. Anyone here who does that? .o

Hi and welcome! I'm in Cambria county, just outside of Patton. I have no idea about your local ordinances but your best bet would be to go to your courthouse and see if they know. If you need some chicks though, I have a surplus I'm happy to share lol.
Hi there, I'm new and checked through 8 pages and didn't see anybody from Cambria, where Johnstown is... Does anyone here live around there know if we're allowed chickens? I can't find information on ordinances anywhere for us, and I figured I'd ask before I call some city official?

I have a pretty nice-sized backyard, but I'm only really looking to have maybe 2-3 chickens. I was reading you can actually house train and have house chickens too, with a temporary outdoor coop they can play in during the day. Anyone here who does that? .o


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