Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Wow, what an awesome price . . . and red potatoes too! I've never thought about canning potatoes, but we do eat a lot of them. Wish we were closer to Altoona, but a 3 hour drive for potatoes probably wouldn't be very economical just for potatoes! Lol. 

We just bought some red potatos and plus Altoona is only about half an hour from where I live.
Good afternoon all:
Just a pic of my , young'ins....I really don't know if you can tell, but the red Dorkings are almost x2 the SPRs at around 4wks...they are huge...also testing the new cphone camera/////

I know it is a little small but it is all i had that i could get built and set beside my existing coop. So i have the new girls that are 1 year old in the small coop and the 15week old girls that i raided from chicks in the big coop how long should i keep them separated. I have had the one yrar olds for 2 days. Do u think it will work to the way i have it set up?.
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Great news I got my Rogue Chicken back, that one yhat escaped last night and spent the night in the woods, and he is in the little coop with his original flock mates, so all three easter eggers are together again. And the two that were in the coop all day layed there eggs, i thought they would be too stressed out to lay but i got my fisrt eggs today
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We'll have you check out the silkie thread and ask? And I also have a feeling the silkies I just got I was hoping for all splash but it turns out they are all silver partridge and two are roos and then one of them is I think splash but I might keep him to breed with the mixed flock







Here are mine the one I didn't get any pics of he would set still and I was for sure he was splash. But to make sure tomarrow I am going to get pics of him to make sure. He bottom three pics is my favorite she is a hen named Lucy.
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