Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I just finshed canning four jars of breast (with the drummies and some other stuff) and eight jars of broth. I have 3 quarts of broth on the counter that I think sealed properly. I did not presure can them, but I think they sealed anyway. I will check their seals in the morning. I will either pressure can them, or stick them in the freezer (Freezable jars).
The legs and the duck as well as the one whole chicken are covered and resting in the refrigerator. I will probably can the duck, but I am thinking of frying the legs and roasting the whole bird. I don't have room in the freezer for anything, but I have a day or two to figure out what gets canned.
I have not had fried chicken in two or three years. It seems a shame to not have some now! :drool
When I made the broth, the extra meat came off the bones. Sturgis was very much enjoying that!
I went to give the carcasses to the chickens, and as you can guess, Sturgis went running after them! He picked up one neck after another. Switched to a cavity... The chickens and ducks were enjoying the treat too. Sturgis almost made it into the house without anything in his mouth. Unfortunately, my Drake had moved one of the cavities onto the sidewalk. Sturgis was a good boy, and dropped it when I told him to. :thumbsup
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Here's the peacock the neighbors caught yesterday. They were all afraid of him and thought that he'd come after them lol. I walked right in and picked him up. The kids (theirs and mine) were thrilled to pet him. They found his owner last night who loves a few miles down the mountain from us. Turns out that he's a 14 year old boy named Billy. Apparently, he keeps getting chased off by a fox :/

Here's the peacock the neighbors caught yesterday. They were all afraid of him and thought that he'd come after them lol. I walked right in and picked him up. The kids (theirs and mine) were thrilled to pet him. They found his owner last night who loves a few miles down the mountain from us. Turns out that he's a 14 year old boy named Billy. Apparently, he keeps getting chased off by a fox

Glad they were able to find the owner.

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