Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

This is a first for me as well, I appreciate them since I sold off the brahma flock I love the coloring. And I have no clue I didnt do my homework on them, as a matter of fact I hatched out icelandics and crele and have no clue who is who yet
Kids been very sick and I have a very ill pup Ive been dealing with and I didnt have time to separate in the hatcher and I never hatched them before this. Im hoping to google tomorrow and do some research

I think from all the varieties I have gone through I liked the Orloffs the best. I should have kept the few I had, but I had way too many breeds, obviously chose the wrong ones if I liked them best eh?
What did you like about Orloffs? They are certainly not commonly kept. Did they lay well?
I never had Cuckoo Marans, but I had Copper Marans and they didn't lay well at all for me. Cuckoos from a hatchery should lay a lot better, but probably lighter colored eggs. I like Welsummers, but the strain I had seemed too weak, so I used them to make more Welbars for a while, then sold them. Welbars and Bielefelders are the only dark egg layers I have now. Welbar eggs tend to be darker, but Biel eggs are larger (as are the birds).

I have copper marans from you.
I lost a few and really like the dark egg and the feed store by me is getting chicks in soon gotta order some.
Pretty eggs and WOW such cleanliness!

:frow Berks County here  Welcome to BYC!

oh I thought you were!! doh, I didnt read that in the regulations!  I get it by the bag and nothing ever mentioned or even looked at feed storage lol   That makes absolutely NO sense to me!

Thanks Sally! Both girls took some time off and the color is definitely darker! Today was my coop cleaning day. I try to clean it every week or at least mix it up some and strip it out two weeks.

May try sand in the spring after I come back from florida.
Since i go to the barn to see my horse I haven't been the one locking up at night. Tonight I decided to go check things out since we added the extra roost today. I open the door and everyone looks cozy and no one is in nesting boxes! I start to count 1,2,3...14. Count again...14.

I call down to the house that I'm missing a hen. Well one red sex link was sleeping under the coop!! I hope that she hasn't been doing that on other nights!!
Dad says "well I don't count them when I lock up"
Me "I think it would b a good idea!! I don't want anymore dead chickens for a while!"
[COLOR=0000FF]Thanks for thinking of me Stake, we were indeed wiped out of Polish last year. Also lost every bird that was hatched throughout 2016. The eggs I set last night are our 'new start'. I'm looking forward to getting our poultry back up to standard. Speaking of Standards, I'm not a Silkie breeder but I did check the Standard of Perfection for you, Stake and both bearded and non bearded are accepted. If you're thinking of preparing some for show, I'd be happy to send you information.
[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Thank you Anne! After a few glasses of wine last night...cows (free ones at that!) seemed like a pretty good idea. Lol. I'm still waiting to hear back.[/COLOR]
Hey Blarney: I am in a similar situation in that I lost all young'ins from 2016 except one OE boy (Rusty's younger brother).....I did get a solo hatch on a silkie, and picked up some brooder mates from's the silkie,,,hope its a 'she'...... i sure hope so too. She's pretty sweet.
Love to find these two CL eggs and an EE egg together. So pretty!
Added another roost today to see if it helps keep the youngsters out of the boxes
Hopefully they like this new dust bath!
great pics! I love the goat pen you posted a while ago too. I need a better shelter for my bucks, you've given me ideas... @Sally, no toulbants, I set BCMs
@dheltzel I figured I would let you know I found an ad on craigslist of someone wanting to trade muscovys for hay so I sent them a text asking if they would consider selling a pair and they were more than happy to infact they are selling me a trio for 25 dollars. I will be getting them tommarrow They might not be show quality but it will be nice to start with. Here are some pics I will get my own pictures tommarrow once get them set up in quarantine.


The first picture is the Drake then the second picture is the two hens
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@dheltzel I figured I would let you know I found an ad on craigslist of someone wanting to trade muscovys for hay so I sent them a text asking if they would consider selling a pair and they were more than happy to infact they are selling me a trio for 25 dollars. I will be getting them tommarrow They might not be show quality but it will be nice to start with. Here are some pics I will get my own pictures tommarrow once get them set up in quarantine.

The first picture is the Drake then the second picture is the two hens

Wow, that's a great deal. I've never had Muscovies, I look forward to hearing about your experiences with them.

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