Pennsylvania!! Unite!!



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I've been missing y'all for so long... displaced in the Herd. Missed sharing the recent hatch.

Dhetzel & Msladyhawk's eggs hatched over the last week (Final Langshan Yesterday Morning).

Excuse the silkies that are photobombing.
Nice! So how many of each kind hatched? I sort of forgot what I sent you.
Annjee cute chicklets!

Jess I am so sorry, you have had it tough this spring havent you! :hugs

Hi again Dennis! Hope all is going well with you and the gang down there! :frow
Hi again Dennis! Hope all is going well with you and the gang down there! :frow
Things are going great here. Kind of over-run with chicks. It is hard to cut back on setting eggs because I have so many now that are interesting/valuable. If you are running low on chicks, let me know!!

BTW, I'm still using a large coolerbator, based on your ideas like the giant cooler from Walmart, for all my hatches. It works great for up to about 100 eggs. I just pulled 5 ducklings and 5 poults from there a few minutes ago.
I've been missing y'all for so long... displaced in the Herd. Missed sharing the recent hatch.

Dhetzel & Msladyhawk's eggs hatched over the last week (Final Langshan Yesterday Morning).

Excuse the silkies that are photobombing.

Awesome hatch! My two chicks are still only about 3 weeks old from Msladyhawke eggs. They seem to be slower growing than other breeds I have raised. They seem to stay in the fluffy chick phase longer.
@dheltzel , @Auroradream26 I think ALL of the eggs hatched out under my broodies! I didn't find any unhatched eggs, but found lots of egg shells. Amazing, especially since they were all playing musical chairs. :lol: So far they are all cooperating, although the poor girls are so hot tonight!

Interesting night tonight. My rooster started challenging the Tom turkey. It did not go well for the rooster, and the Tom continued to pursue him until I broke it up. I did see some blood on the turkeys beak (from the Roo), but when I checked the rooster over, he just seemed to have marks on his comb and wattles. I will have to keep a close eye on them.

So sad and miffed tonight. :hit The neighbor's cat got my midget white baby turkey. I only had one hatch, and he nabbed it. It must have been separated, because there are smaller Langshan chicks, but he didn't bother them. I am so annoyed. He is an outdoor cat, but it is not fair that he comes onto my property to kill my animals. I needed that turkey to replace the two that I lost this year. I am also nervous, because I have the other turkeys that are due to hatch in a week, and I don't know if I can fuse them to the broody turkey, or if she can protect them.

I feel bad saying anything because my neighbor is in a wheelchair, so she probably can't restrain the cat. She does have a boyfriend who lives with her, but he is not very friendly. Any suggestions on how to deal with this without ticking off my neighbors? This is the same one who I asked them to put a bell on his collar, which they did. Apparently it didn't help as much as I had hoped. They said the cat is an outdoor cat. :he
Awesome hatch! My two chicks are still only about 3 weeks old from Msladyhawke eggs. They seem to be slower growing than other breeds I have raised. They seem to stay in the fluffy chick phase longer.

I could see that! I feed fermented feed... though not very fermented at the start. I tend to restart fresh frequently so it's not so strong. But, wow how ravenous they are when it's a little pungent! The langshan are calm and passive, so far. I can see the value of these gems, in the flock, already!

Dhetzel's chicks (mostly cockerels) are not quite 1 wk old, and are already flying to the edge of the brooder.
The big one is Nubian and the little one is a Nubian pygmy mix. Heres our new guy. Hes super friendly to us but having a hard time with the other goats.
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He is a Cutey! Congrats!
Sprinkles passed away in my arms 10 minutes ago. I'm heartbroken. Especially knowing that it was my fault that he got in to the condition he was in. I knew he wasn't happy about being out there and if I'd have taken time to make absolutely sure that he was eating and drinking, this never would've happened. I was so looking forward to seeing him grow up and he was such a sweetheart. He will be terribly missed.

I am so sorry, I know how much each of your animals means to you....caring so much is what makes you a wonderful animal keeper but it makes it so much more painful when you can't fix something. :hugs

View attachment 551020 View attachment 551018 I'm having a hard time with this new set up. Hopefully I get used to it soon. We lost Ford the Thursday it was down. It was pretty tough. My other goat Stetson was a mess after so we got him a new friend. Seeing how a healthy little kid is makes me realize how sick he actually was. I think I should have put him down before it got that far but kept hoping he would get better. They are best buds already and I'm going to pick up a third today so we never end up with just one again.
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I am sorry he didn't make it, I know you gave him every chance.

I got them today! I tried to move one of my girls to a pen on the ground last week but it didnt go well so now I'm not sure if the few still under her will hatch. Shes moved now and happily sitting again but they got cold to touch. Going to put a few of yours under her and my other two. I have 5 broody ducks right now, the 3 Muscovy and 2 KC that are apparently co brooding. And 3 broody Bantams with another girl thinking about it. All the Bantams should be from the frizzled roo!
Don't give up on 'cold' broody eggs...unless it is horribly cold out or she was off of them for most of a day I would give them an even chance to hatch...they may be a bit later though.
Well pennsylvania peeps I've been away from the thread for a while, life is crazy. We wanted to expand our rock so we ordered some hatching eggs from
Meyer hatchery. We incubated for the first time. It was very cool. The kids and my wife thought it was so fun. 24 out of 29 hatchered. They're in the brooder now 3 weeks. Oh how time flies. Trying ţo determine the number of cockerals. Will need to rehome the boys. Might keep one if i can convince my wife :D. Anyone interested in free cockerals???

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