Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I suggest starting with a few water bath recipes before diving in to pressure canning. While it's not hard, it's intimidating at first. Applesauce, sauerkraut, peaches are all great places to start. Potatoes are a good and simple one to try with the pressure canner the first time. We dice ours up before canning and they're half cooked when opened. PERFECT for fried breakfast potatoes! We often use this site when canning to follow directions: They give step by step instructions with canning times and procedures.

Check your l local craigslist and for swaps and such. I know that there's a swap this weekend in our area and 1 next weekend nearby but they're probably the last of the season.

Thanks for the info!
Our one hen that just hatched out two babies is now broody again. Here's a picture of her (yellow one) with her "adopted" baby (brown one). What silly chickens. They always brighten my day!


I also have to snap a picture of our EE who is going through such a funny molt. I'm calling her raggedy ann for now.

And I LOVE our Barred Rock rooster because he is being such a good boy. I hope it stays that way as he is our last roo. @yoopergirl1211 do you remember the 3 barred rocks we got from you for my hubby? Are they all from the same parents, or did you get them from a hatchery? Just wondering if it would be ok to hatch out their eggs next year (IF chicken math works...) :oops:
Our one hen that just hatched out two babies is now broody again. Here's a picture of her (yellow one) with her "adopted" baby (brown one). What silly chickens. They always brighten my day!

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I also have to snap a picture of our EE who is going through such a funny molt. I'm calling her raggedy ann for now.

And I LOVE our Barred Rock rooster because he is being such a good boy. I hope it stays that way as he is our last roo. @yoopergirl1211 do you remember the 3 barred rocks we got from you for my hubby? Are they all from the same parents, or did you get them from a hatchery? Just wondering if it would be ok to hatch out their eggs next year (IF chicken math works...) :oops:

You'd be good. The roo was hatched by a freind of mine and the girls were hatchery. I'm so glad you finally got a nice rooster!! So far lol.
Photo time! I snapped these this morning...

Here are the 3 Barred Rocks from @yoopergirl1211 All are such cuties.


Here are the two babies. They are both a mix of EE and RIR. The one on the right is named Cheeky. The one on the left is not named yet because we think it'll be a roo - what do you guys think? Sorry for the blurry picture, they wanted out! But the "surrogate" mamas and the babies have to be locked up half of the day due to the many hawks we have here.


Here is a picture of the actual (EE) mama of the two babies. It's a close-up of her neck because she is going through a rough molt! (this is only a small portion... she is missing about half of her feathers right now!)


Here are two pictures of part of the flock eating by their favorite bush. You can see the EE (raggedy ann). Thankfully the Speckled Sussex isn't depressed over the loss of her friend anymore. Her comb color finally returned to red and she is out with the others now.

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And finally, a photo-bomber.


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