Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


some happy for everyone:love
The parakeets are non-stop parents. They just raised a flock of 7 babies, now the mom has commandeered the nestbox again and is obviously planning to start another family!

Just finished the 3rd hatch of the season. Few eggs are being laid and fertility is low for most breeds, but the Welbars are hatching great. Every other year they were the worst for fertility, but this year I'm getting plenty of chicks.
May we have the soup recipe, Sharron?
sure, mom would take about a bushel of tomatoes, juice them in the squeeo(had one that husband and fil put a motor and belt on so we didn't have to turn) then she would have as much chopped green peppers, onions and celery as she wanted in the soup (lots, she really never measured) cooked them in a least one pound of butter per bushel of tomatoes til somewhat tender, then added the veggies to the tomato juice, cooked them til a good roiling boil, after boiling, we skimmed and canned, oh forgot salt to taste but no other ingredients, believe me it has a tomato bite but only sugar in it comes from the tomatoes, guess you could add anything you wanted condiments you wanted but of course would give it a different taste. but hers was so good in the winter and warmed you up, with a sandwich, soooo good
So the other veggies were soft chunks in the soup? sounds wonderful.

In other news, it's a week to my first grandbaby's due date.

In chicken news, 3 of the girls are now laying. The 2 new ones have not yet.
yes, if you want other veggies, we didn't, just tomatoes, celery, bell pepper and onions
have to warn you, habit forming, you think just one bowl and end up eating the whole quart:drool
good luck with grandbaby
husband caught a coon last night, trying to figure out what to do with it, it hasn't done anything here but eat the fish food on the dock:confused:

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