Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

LOL your cute Dennis, Cold Turkey didnt go well I guess, I had what two years off? These happened...

and I have ordered chicks from her stock now, I am extremely thrilled with the quality of her silks, I see such an improvement with her stock, seen quickly with the chicks too! hopefully she can ship after hatching in 4 days, weather is good right now, but if it gets hot I told her pass on shipping to sell local.

Jess, your kids have grown so much since I have been watching over there! you should be very proud of all your accomplishments!! your a great momma! with fantastic kiddos!
My little single chick is getting so spoiled. She's started crying when she left alone in the brooder. She prefers to be climbing on my shoulders, chest, and computer or pecking at my phone and face. New chicks aren't due to hatch until Monday... This might be a long weekend.
My little single chick is getting so spoiled. She's started crying when she left alone in the brooder. She prefers to be climbing on my shoulders, chest, and computer or pecking at my phone and face. New chicks aren't due to hatch until Monday... This might be a long weekend.
You need a quail chick or three to keep it company. I think my quail are about as big as a chicken chick now. :lol:

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