
Do you mean Delmont? It's not huge, it depends on the weather. This month there wasn't a whole lot, but last month there was.

There's going to be another at Fayette County Fairgrounds this Sunday.

I hear Roger's Ohio is huge!
Hi! Hope to see you again! I was planning on going last Sunday, but I slept in! Planning on going again this week. I have some chicks. Mine are mixed bantams. What kind of chicks do you have?
most are mixed large breeds but i have some pure rr and some mixed ee they will be 2 weeks old. i had a camping trip with the family last week end and it was only about 1.5 hrs away from the sale, but moma said i better not slip off sunday morning and go. so i stopped on our way home and picked up 35 chukar, and some button eggs." oops dident i tell you? you dident see my foldup cage in the back of the truck? guess i forgot, it wont take long. 2hrs later we were headding home again" she will forgive me ithink. the camping trip was over!
Sep 10th at Manheim, Pa Roots livestock auction, Oct 15th Lebanon Valley livestock auction in Fredericksburg, Pa, Sep 29th at Lake Tobias north of Harrisburg this is a swap meet type sale. Then Greendragon near Adamstown, Pa , Renningers at Schuylkill Haven, Pa and Bloomsburg Poultry club in Bloomsburg, Pa but don';t have the dates for the last three at this time. There will be some rare and show quality birds at these events generally. There will also be other animals at these events also. Good luck.

Also in the Poultry Press Uniontown,Pa has swap meets and sales which all the dates are posted plus their poultry shows.
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