people with house chickens

:D They are so funny. Lovem all! Cheep and Peep were born a day apart. They are the same sex....whatever that will be lol They are 1 month old this week :)
Thank you I think they are pretty stinkin cute too

"Have you seen my other leg?"
Frizzle is finally starting to make progress with clicker training. I am working with her to peck the end of a stick in return for a treat. This is called targeting. It can be used to lure her to a certain spot without food among other things. She is also following me around now and sometimes responds when I call her over. She is laying an egg every other day. She really is a cool companion. I have a big summer planned for us. Lots of adventures ahead!

On a separate note does anyone know how long bantam hens live? And if being a house chicken affects their lifespan? Just curious because it's something I haven't really thought of.
Frizzle is finally starting to make progress with clicker training. I am working with her to peck the end of a stick in return for a treat. This is called targeting. It can be used to lure her to a certain spot without food among other things. She is also following me around now and sometimes responds when I call her over. She is laying an egg every other day. She really is a cool companion. I have a big summer planned for us. Lots of adventures ahead! 

On a separate note does anyone know how long bantam hens live? And if being a house chicken affects their lifespan? Just curious because it's something I haven't really thought of.

That's awesome! Definitely keep us posted on how it goes. I'm interested in doing this myself.

As far as the lifespan of bantam hens, from what I've read, being a house chicken dramatically increases their longevity (less chance of falling to predators, parasites, etc.). I know of people on here who have had indoor chickens live over 10 years.

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