people with house chickens

I don't have a sewing machine, but will try to find someone to make some for me. Thanks for the ideas!

I didn't use a sewing machine for one of mine because it was stored away - so I just used small hand stitches with fabric remnants and a needle and thread to make one of my diapers. I followed the pattern idea on youtube by chickenmom. It's still the best DIY diaper pattern. I can make a paper pattern and press it to a chicken's chest to see if I cut it too wide or too narrow or too short. If it's too narrow or too wide in the pouch it won't catch the poops and they land on top of the pouch instead of inside the pouch! I was lazy on a pouch I cut too wide and used elastic to gather the slack at the top piece of the pouch so it hugged the chicken butt. Where there's a need, there's a way! I don't cover the elastic straps with material. I use soft underwear elastic on the narrow-side under 1/2-inch rather than wide elastic. The softer elastic stretches easily and is not so binding on the hen.
Reading this just really helped me, the idea of using a safety pin on shoulder straps is a great idea. Also yes I have to agree that I count myself lucky the one I got premade didn't have velcro I don't think my dear Pancake would like Velcro near her extra fluffy buff orpington butt. The few times I gave Pancake a bath because of diaper oops she let me blow dry her butt on low/no heat setting. I think she enjoyed it to be honest. The only reason I didn't make one is because pure frustration of not having any idea how to make something to fit a birdy body without hands on example/willing model. Now that I have one in hand I don't think I'll have issues making my own for her if I need to.

When I made my diapers I didn't cover the elastic in material to make it "pretty" like purchased diapers. The straps get completely covered by feathers when the chicken is wearing it so I didn't add material to cover the elastic - the material just made the elastic straps "bulkier" and hard to pin. From youtube by chickenmom I didn't add her velcro piece on the straps but just used a large safety pin. After 3 years of watching added youtube videos on chicken diapers I still find her basic DIY the best design. I cut out 2-3 paper samples to fit on the chicken to make sure I'm not making it too narrow or too wide or too short from tail to torso. It takes a couple frustrating tries but I had a little Silkie who couldn't flap away from me and was my captive model!

Our hens take the tush baths fine if it's after roost when they're calm and relaxed. And all the breeds seem to love the warm blow dries. I've never had a breed of hen ever complain about the low-setting hair dryer. I have a Silkie that loves the fan on the floor. She taps on it when she wants me to turn it on and then she sits in front of it to feel the breeze over her hair-like feathers. She turns around until she finds just the right distance to plop down in front of it!
5 things my house chicken has done recently.

1. Scared/Pinned our cat down in the hall.

2. Caught her preening the broom.

3. Playing with my dogs special toy, the dog was fine with it.

4. Trying to flip her poo out of the box she hangs out on. This is new habit.

5. Wanting to eat her Pumpkin off a spoon.
5 things my house chicken has done recently.

1. Scared/Pinned our cat down in the hall.

2. Caught her preening the broom.

3. Playing with my dogs special toy, the dog was fine with it.

4. Trying to flip her poo out of the box she hangs out on. This is new habit.

5. Wanting to eat her Pumpkin off a spoon.

Now that's the kind of chickens I want - ones that clean out their own poo!
Now that's the kind of chickens I want - ones that clean out their own poo!

More she just tries to flip the puppy pee pads I use on the box over if I don't notice the poo on it and remove it. Sometimes I think she thinks I have x-ray vision about what she is sitting on though. How what I suppose to know you pooed if you didn't stand up long enough for me to see it? Most of the time lately only know I need to remove poo is because she is trying to paper flip.
When I made my diapers I didn't cover the elastic in material to make it "pretty" like purchased diapers. The straps get completely covered by feathers when the chicken is wearing it so I didn't add material to cover the elastic - the material just made the elastic straps "bulkier" and hard to pin. From youtube by chickenmom I didn't add her velcro piece on the straps but just used a large safety pin. After 3 years of watching added youtube videos on chicken diapers I still find her basic DIY the best design. I cut out 2-3 paper samples to fit on the chicken to make sure I'm not making it too narrow or too wide or too short from tail to torso. It takes a couple frustrating tries but I had a little Silkie who couldn't flap away from me and was my captive model!

Our hens take the tush baths fine if it's after roost when they're calm and relaxed. And all the breeds seem to love the warm blow dries. I've never had a breed of hen ever complain about the low-setting hair dryer. I have a Silkie that loves the fan on the floor. She taps on it when she wants me to turn it on and then she sits in front of it to feel the breeze over her hair-like feathers. She turns around until she finds just the right distance to plop down in front of it!
thanks for the diaper advice. i am going to make one for my silkie rooster that lives inside with us (because he crows and we have neighbors).

what is a tush bath? that is so funny about your silkie and the fan!
thanks for the diaper advice. i am going to make one for my silkie rooster that lives inside with us (because he crows and we have neighbors).

what is a tush bath? that is so funny about your silkie and the fan!

Yeah, chickens are a hoot!
We had a fluffy Silkie and a fluffy Ameraucana in diapers so we did tush baths every evening for them. A tush bath is a butt wash in the bathroom sink or in a square plastic dish tub of warm water - not a full body wash, just the vent area feathers where the diaper fits over. After taking off the diaper sometimes the poop will stick to the feathers and they need to be baby shampoo'd to unstick the dried poop, and then gently blow-dried afterwards. Hens don't seem to mind the blow-dries - even our skittish Ameraucana stays nice and still for the blow-dries. Keep bath towels available just for the chickens and after using them to dry the wet chicken, don't re-use them but wash immediately the sink, the tub, the towels, etc. We love our chickens but keeping things sanitized is crucial since we ladies are the meal preparers in the household.
Yeah, chickens are a hoot!
We had a fluffy Silkie and a fluffy Ameraucana in diapers so we did tush baths every evening for them. A tush bath is a butt wash in the bathroom sink or in a square plastic dish tub of warm water - not a full body wash, just the vent area feathers where the diaper fits over. After taking off the diaper sometimes the poop will stick to the feathers and they need to be baby shampoo'd to unstick the dried poop, and then gently blow-dried afterwards. Hens don't seem to mind the blow-dries - even our skittish Ameraucana stays nice and still for the blow-dries. Keep bath towels available just for the chickens and after using them to dry the wet chicken, don't re-use them but wash immediately the sink, the tub, the towels, etc. We love our chickens but keeping things sanitized is crucial since we ladies are the meal preparers in the household.
okay that is what i thought it was. I have a special needs imprinted goose that stays indoors with us and a silkie rooster that stays indoors through out the night until about noon. . i am thinking about getting him a diaper because he poos so much. my goose does too but she cant wear a diaper. she stays in a hammock because she doesnt walk very well.

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