people with house chickens

My house chicken abandoned me! We re-homed the problem rooster and now she has rejoined her friends outside. She does still visit and even still lays her eggs in the kitchen, but at night she is in the coop with her flock. While I know that is probably best for her, I sure miss her!
Are we lucky and blessed to have such sweeties in our lives?

Today I was weeding in the garden and Lulu was along to help. She ate bugs and worms and nibbled some leaves and all the while chattering with me. Its nice to have company. I never minded weeding before but now it is even better - company and someone to get rid of the cutworms, wireworms, etc.
Plus as a side bonus, the other girls love to eat the weeds I throw over the fence to them.
Same here! My little rooster, Ivory, has moved outside for the past few weeks and I still miss him.
I'm so used to having his brooder box in my bedroom every night and now he has his own life outside. It's best for him, I know, and he seems happier to be able to spend a lot of time outside, but I still miss him and he's already changing into a big, adult rooster.
This is Snowball my white polish.

Here's her first time wearing it though, freaking out. I had to adjust my pattern, and cut the front down shorter, and then she was comfortable in it.
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Cute! She does not look happy in the second pic. I tried a diaper on Lulu but is was a disaster. It took two of us to get it on and then she walked backwards and tripped and just sat down. She kept getting her toes caught in the sides and when I tried to tighten it up she would either fall of move backwards. I didn't know if it was bothering her bad leg so I gave up trying to fight her to put it on her. I'll pick up the piles instead.
Snowball is adorable!

I'll have to try that trick and cut the front down a bit shorter. We made some hot pink diapers for our campine who we thought was going to be in the house over the winter and she HATED it. She'd rather die than have to wear it. Luckily, she was only in the house for a couple of weeks and rejoined the flock.
This has nothing to do with house chickens, but since this is my thread I felt I could share with you all.

My beloved cat Merlin died of Kidney failure this morning. I found him blue and limp in the basement and brought him upstairs. I held him in our favorite chair until he passed away. Its been a very rough day. He was only 3, the first pet my husband and I got together. A rescue cat from the pound. He was very loved and will be missed terriably.

He had a kidney infection about 3 weeks ago. We had taken him to the vet and they gave him a shot. Last week we took him back for a recheck and they gave him the all clear. Yesterday he was larthargic and acted like he was trying to bring up a hair ball. We made the decision to take him to the vet today. I waited until the kids left and found him at 8 am.

We planted wild roses on his grave.


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