people with house chickens

So sorry for your loss iluvcks... it's so hard losing our beloved critters.
I've been following this thread because I would love for one or two of my new babies to be a house chicken. I'm so sorry for your loss iluvchicks, its been a year and a half sice I lost my sweet champ, a 14.5 year old dalmation, and I still miss him so much. i also lost one of my babies today.
Im glad that I found this topic. My husband and I had a roo that would spend the night in the house. The roo a Austorlorp (cant spell) we would put him roosting on the trash can with the dangerous end pointed in the trash and he would spend all night there. But when people get disgusted about a chicken being in the house I ask them 'well what is the difference between a chicken and a pet caged bird?' they usually say well "I dont know" or "well they are ment to stay inside" and I usually answer them back the only difference between the two is the cost!!! Chickens are a lot cheaper and easier to come by!!! I did also have a really old hen that for her last winter we kept her inside for the nights and she would wander the house and eventually go to sleep in the dog bed!!! And it was a very large bed, the dogs never bothered her. She was 9 when she passed.
iluvcks so sorry about your cat.
Hugs to you and hope you feel better soon...I bet he was very much loved!
I am sorry for your loss too.
How old are your babies? What happened?

I appreciate everyone so much. Thank you. I cried all the tears out i think. I feel better today. I have a good cry headache though. We will miss him so much. My daughter is special needs and things hit her differently than other people. She patted him on the head and said goodbye before we buried him. She seemed to take it really well. Last night when she went to brush her teeth she said it was so so weird not to have Merlin streched out in the window. That was a little tough. I know you all understand.

I spoke with the Michigan State Agriculture. We have a 10:30 appointment Monday morning to get certified a farm. Hopefully Bangor Township leaves us alone after that. If we still have to get rid of the chickens after all this I'm going to be madder than a wet hen.
Thank you. My babies are 6 days old. They hatched on may 28th. The one that passed yesterday was a pasty butt casualty. My husband and mom didn't get to it in time to save it while I was at work. Then I had one die last night but it was super tiny and I think it was the stress of shipping plus being so much smaller than everyone it just got trampled all the time. When I finally seperated it, she had just given up. I'm getting a three week old this weekend though to "replace"(according to DH), really just help ease the pain of my losses. I know "she" will have to be seperated for a while so maybe she will end up being my house chicken. Who knows. Good luck with your meeting. Some people are just stubborn and won't change unless drastic measures are taken.

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