people with house chickens

I wish I could have a house chicken. I would keep all my chickens in the house. I don't like my chickens getting killed
Your Silkie will have a very good life. Protected and cared about.
the bantam that I have indoors was the smallest of 32 fancy birds. I was
raising them. And she just got walked on.
I took her out of there and she has been indoors ever since.
Even now she gets picked on when I let her out. And that is not to
say she is a little saint. She is is on one side of the fence and the outdoors girls on the other side. But there she is trying to spar with the Sebright bantam. The Sebright won again. Dotti came in with some scrapes. Can't even imagine what she would look like
if she was in the coop with the others.

I hate that they all gang up on one every now and then. It must be mildly hilarious to watch that sparring though!!! I agree, house chickens have GREAT lives. They are given so much attention, protection, and the occasional romp outside (weather permitting!) I wouldn't have it any other way!

I wish I could have a house chicken. I would keep all my chickens in the house. I don't like my chickens getting killed

That is one of the main reasons my girls sleep inside! I hate the thought of losing them to a predator.
Right now Dottie is brooding on six eggs.
She is such a good little brooder, or whatever the terminology is.
This will be my first time and her first time.
I got fertile eggs from a friend and put them under her.
What a close up view of what goes on with a chicken who protects her eggs.

she is on the tower of clothes.
I have a wash basin type container that she sits in with her eggs.
And a heating pad under that.
I don't know if they will hatch?

Does anyone know if this might work out. ?
Mg, I have had TWO broody hens hatch chicks in my house. The first is a Silkie and the second is a Buff Orp (Punkin is an inside at night and outside during the day chicken). I gave them both fertile flock eggs which they incubated and hatched.

Sparkle the silkie hatched hers in the brooder bin, but Punkin chose the dog bed under the TV table to brood. It has been exciting to watch the process very closely!

Both are very good moms. They go out into the fenced garden for their outside time.

And the guilty part is having Mommas squire their babies around in the house... :p
Mg, I have had TWO broody hens hatch chicks in my house. The first is a Silkie and the second is a Buff Orp (Punkin is an inside at night and outside during the day chicken). I gave them both fertile flock eggs which they incubated and hatched.

Sparkle the silkie hatched hers in the brooder bin, but Punkin chose the dog bed under the TV table to brood. It has been exciting to watch the process very closely!

Both are very good moms. They go out into the fenced garden for their outside time.

And the guilty part is having Mommas squire their babies around in the house...
1. So you did not need a heating pad under them?
2. What is a brooder bin ?
3. How long did it take ? 28 days?
4. I put the eggs under her on the 24th Wednesday.
5. someone told me it has to be 100 degrees. But ....hens have been doing this
for a long time w/o heating pads.
Ohhhh, my gosh,,,,,,this may actually eggciting.
1. So you did not need a heating pad under them?
2. What is a brooder bin ?
3. How long did it take ? 28 days?
4. I put the eggs under her on the 24th Wednesday.
5. someone told me it has to be 100 degrees. But ....hens have been doing this
for a long time w/o heating pads.
Ohhhh my gosh,,,,,,this may actually eggciting.

NO HEATING PAD!! She will keep them as warm as she needs them to be. Any extra heat could kill the developing embryos. Duck eggs take 28 days, chicks take 21 days to hatch . DoNOT interfere with her from day 18 to day 24. After day 24, you can candle the eggs to see if they are still okay. But if you lift her up while she is hatching, the babies could get shrink wrapped and not be able to get out of their shell.
She should get up occasionally from day 1 to day 18. After that, she will sit and NOT get up until most or all of her eggs hatch. You should put food and water close by, even in the nest if possible, so that she can get it without having to get up. Dont worry about heat or humidity, she will take care of that all by herself, and do a far better job at it than any human could.
NO HEATING PAD!! She will keep them as warm as she needs them to be. Any extra heat could kill the developing embryos. Duck eggs take 28 days, chicks take 21 days to hatch . DoNOT interfere with her from day 18 to day 24. After day 24, you can candle the eggs to see if they are still okay. But if you lift her up while she is hatching, the babies could get shrink wrapped and not be able to get out of their shell.
She should get up occasionally from day 1 to day 18. After that, she will sit and NOT get up until most or all of her eggs hatch. You should put food and water close by, even in the nest if possible, so that she can get it without having to get up. Dont worry about heat or humidity, she will take care of that all by herself, and do a far better job at it than any human could.
Ohhhh, goodness,
Thank you.
I shut off the heating pad.
I put food and water in there with her.
but it could be right close to her, it is but six inches away now.

I hope they did not get fried with the heating pad on. Today is day 4.
Thank you.
A brooder bin is where I put chicks I have hatched in incubators; I use a large Rubbermaid tote, with a three inch layer of pine shavings. Sparkle checked it out and decided that's where she wanted to brood. I put five flock eggs in it for her and she brooded & hatched them right there. Punkin accepted three eggs in her dog bed and brooded & hatched them there; she was the one I could watch closely. The brooder bin is in my "office" and incubation room.

Mama hens provide all the heat the eggs and chicks need.

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