people with house chickens

I think you are right about comparing to keeping a parrot. I had a yellow nape amazon parrot. You have to manage poop. Birds poop a lot. I had a neighbor who taught his parrot to say BOMBs AWAY every time he pooped. The bird ended up living on the porch. I would think you could get a large parrot perch with a tray attached to catch the poop. Had one for my parrot. I never thought of comparing it Luke this. Now, if I had a chicken that bonded closely with me, I'd let him be a house chicken.
I have just seen my first chicken coop-cabinet for use indoors. It has a place for fresh greens growing inside the coop, is lighted and is a pretty piece of furniture to boot! I think they are called coop De ville...? Has a small hydroponic growing system installed so you can grow fresh veggies for you, greens for the chuks. Pretty Cool.
I loved reading through this thread! No house chickens at the moment, but they do come in for visits on occasions. Here is Daffy inside enjoying sleeping on the bed, getting cuddles, and playing in the "water" (a.k.a wood floor...)

Blessings -

~ Aspen
Cute. My mother used to buy some baby ducks and put them on this small lake behind her trailer house. Really just a very large pond. Anyway one year she picked up a white one and brought him inside just for the fun of it. Well it seemed he enjoyed standing on our leg visiting at the table. He would come in every day when she opened the sliding glass door and every night it was a chase scene to get him outside. They didn't want him sleeping inside all night. This went on until he disappeared. Eventually mother decided the mess was just too much. They drove him down to the local marina where there were more ducks (some probably hers from previous years) and turned him loose. We suspect he did fine.
He is so cute!

Cute. My mother used to buy some baby ducks and put them on this small lake behind her trailer house. Really just a very large pond. Anyway one year she picked up a white one and brought him inside just for the fun of it. Well it seemed he enjoyed standing on our leg visiting at the table. He would come in every day when she opened the sliding glass door and every night it was a chase scene to get him outside. They didn't want him sleeping inside all night. This went on until he disappeared. Eventually mother decided the mess was just too much. They drove him down to the local marina where there were more ducks (some probably hers from previous years) and turned him loose. We suspect he did fine.
That is too fun! I've always wanted to have pond, maybe someday when I don't live in West Texas. ; )

Does anyone have a pattern for a duck diaper?? I am thinking about making a "couple". ; )
The "pond" I'm talking about was right off Chocolate Bayou. It wasn't man made. Step dad fished in it mom raised ducks there. It was about 10 feet from the sliding door. No one lives by it anymore owners did away with the rent trailers. This was in 88. The duck, named Duck sure wanted to live inside. He was as big as a goose. I sure like ol' Duck.
The "pond" I'm talking about was right off Chocolate Bayou. It wasn't man made. Step dad fished in it mom raised ducks there. It was about 10 feet from the sliding door. No one lives by it anymore owners did away with the rent trailers. This was in 88. The duck, named Duck sure wanted to live inside. He was as big as a goose. I sure like ol' Duck.
Ducks are so much fun! I just love' em.

~ Aspen
How different are ducks from chickens? I've made chicken diapers (see instructions in signature.) that you could try. :) I don't have house chickens, but I have let my chickens in the house a couple times with a diaper....when my DM isn't home....

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