people with house chickens

I will get some posted tomorrow! We made ours out of miscellaneous things that we had lying around. It turned out really cool.
I second! Pictures please!

I've been thinking about making anew area for Trina, but may also take a chicken inside for a while instead - we are trying to play matchmaker with Trina and her betrothed isn't yet a house goose, I don't think I'll work with him on that until he's really used to me.

DH wants me to try bringing in Sonny, she loooooves people
I'll get some more pics of her room and stuff and post this afternoon :) yes she's my baby girl. I just adore her. She's my gift from God.!! More picts are coming your way soon!! :)
Here are some pictures of Sunni's set up. It is made from an old dog igloo that we bought a few years ago as a shelter when we had ducks.

The nest box is made from a flat sided 3 gallon bucket used for horses,

The roost is made from a piece of 2x4 that we had left over from when we put roosts up in the outdoor coop.

We cut a hole in the back to help let in some light and give her some ventilation, and we covered it from the outside with chicken wire.

The shape of the doorway is angled weird, so we had a hard time coming up with a way to make a door. We ended up using a burlap sack and some clamps found at TSC for the door.

We tried to be as resourceful as possible with this. It is very sturdy and it is made mostly out of recycled materials. The only things we had to purchase were the clamps and the burlap sack for the door. All I have to do now is put some shavings in the nest box and shred some newspapers for the floor of the coop. She'll only be in this at night, when she needs to lay an egg, and those very few times when we all leave the house, so we made it really simple. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Here are some pictures of Sunni's set up. It is made from an old dog igloo that we bought a few years ago as a shelter when we had ducks.

The nest box is made from a flat sided 3 gallon bucket used for horses,

The roost is made from a piece of 2x4 that we had left over from when we put roosts up in the outdoor coop.

We cut a hole in the back to help let in some light and give her some ventilation, and we covered it from the outside with chicken wire.

The shape of the doorway is angled weird, so we had a hard time coming up with a way to make a door. We ended up using a burlap sack and some clamps found at TSC for the door.

We tried to be as resourceful as possible with this. It is very sturdy and it is made mostly out of recycled materials. The only things we had to purchase were the clamps and the burlap sack for the door. All I have to do now is put some shavings in the nest box and shred some newspapers for the floor of the coop. She'll only be in this at night, when she needs to lay an egg, and those very few times when we all leave the house, so we made it really simple. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
What an awesome mini coop!!! Very ingenious use for all those left overs! I love repurposed chicken stuff!

Here is some picts of my millys set up
That is quite the box! Wow!!!Lucky little girl =)
I admire those who have their chickens inside. Right now my husband is in the process of building a nice large coop outside for all my chickens.

I am in NO WAY rushing him

If I had it my way, my 3 favorite ones would be inside. But thats where we conflict because he thinks chickens have chicken mites and is why we are itchy at times. If I have my chicken sitting on my lap in the frontroom, he gets upset. So I have a nice 3 season room where I can be with them. They can run around, stretch their legs and on warm days they go outside to scratch around.

They do get lots of outside time. I just really wish I can have those 3 inside with me especially with winter coming near.
I have three chickens which spend the night in my house, but only one is a full-time house chicken. Punkin the Buff Orpington goes outside at will but comes inside to roost/sleep, Hooligal -a very mixed breed pullet - did the same until she went broody in a wicker cat house in my second bedroom, and Sparkle the Silkie only goes outside for sunning and a bit of a dust bath in the garden.

Hooligal (her name is a "feminine" version of "hooligan") is one of the chickens hatched by Sparkle from flock eggs I let her have. Both Sparkle and Punkin have brooded and hatched chicks in the house, which have all joined the flock outside. Except for Hooligal.

Here are Punkin and Sparkle on the recliner with me as I watched TV last night.


Are your two house chickens potty trained? I really wish I would have trained my 3 Isa browns so they can stay inside. Theyre around 7-8 weeks right now. I was thinking I may not be too late?

The only problem I would have is the random poops around the house, as we all know its stinky. :p
I know they make chicken diapers but heard mixed reviews on them trying to take it off all the time.

Are your two house chickens potty trained? I really wish I would have trained my 3 Isa browns so they can stay inside. Theyre around 7-8 weeks right now. I was thinking I may not be too late?

The only problem I would have is the random poops around the house, as we all know its stinky. :p
I know they make chicken diapers but heard mixed reviews on them trying to take it off all the time.
I think diapers totally depend on the individual birds personality. Some birds just can't be happy in them, others really could care less. You could always try tying something around them in the areas that a diaper would rub on them and see what they do! I have lots of chickens that would NEVER wear a diaper.
I think diapers totally depend on the individual birds personality. Some birds just can't be happy in them, others really could care less. You could always try tying something around them in the areas that a diaper would rub on them and see what they do! I have lots of chickens that would NEVER wear a diaper. 

Lucky for me Sunni is a very tolerant girl then. She tolerates just about anything I do to her. When I was measuring her for the diapers she just stood there and didn't care. I tried measuring some other girls to see what they would do and they were spinning in circles trying to see what I was doing, and kept trying to get away from the measuring tape. So I'm thinking Sunni will do great with the diapers. We'll have to see when how she does when they get here! Im still not quite sure when that will be. Tess (aka lovemychix) emailed me and said she would get them made as soon as she could.

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