people with house chickens

TaCampbell1973, broody girls can be so stubborn! Hope she gets to have chicks sometime. I think it's so funny how your rooster looks in your mirrors. :lol: my roosters do that too. And I definitely agree with you that holding chickens is therapeutic. I love my birds. :love
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I am so glad I found this thread. I am a firm believer that my chickens are a part of my family and so therefore they should be allowed in the house. My husband tolerates it until they poo on the floor and then he gets mad. But it is understandable as we rent, also our carpet is light beige and I need a steam cleaner badly. I am a terribly messy coffee drinker. Anywhoo, I have 9 chickens and 11 Guinea keets. Oh and a seven year old Pitbull Terrier named Sissy. We call her Sis McGuiss. she is the sweetest silliest dog I have ever known and is getting better about the chickens. She had never seen a chicken until we got our first two last spring. She does okay around the adult chickens but something about the babies peeps triggers something in her. As I said though we are working on it. One of the first girls we got, actually got us. two hens came up the road in our neighbors log truck. They were roosting in it. When he parked it across the street from us, they came with it. When he took it back home, they stayed. So became Agnes and Begawkamagawk our first hens. Neighbors said " guess you got two hens, build "em a coop to lay eggs" word for word. Anyway, Begawky is a game hen cross. I love this bird like no other. She has a broken top beak tip. If she were human I think she would lisp. She has a neck like a snake, and she runs like a roadrunner, but she has the most soft, brown intelligent eyes of any animal. She hates loud noise and my husband and she will begawk at each other over the TV. Hence the name. She has been broody four times since spring. The first time was under the house. Between her and Agnes they were setting on 24 eggs. Had to throw them all out as I didn't know how old they were, and they were unfertilized. Mind you they had a nest box. Second time was on a plastic egg and she sat on it for so long I wondered if it would hatch. Two months. Finally I gave up and caged her for 24 hours. Then she had just got back to egg laying and lo she went broody again. Come spring, I may let her hatch out some eggs, but with an incubator as a back up. It would be awful if she sat on them for 15-20 days and just gave up. Anyway long, long story short, I bring all my birds into the house and snuggle on the couch. Gawky is my favorite to bring in though. She is the size of a robin and I feel so worried about her getting cold. My Cochins, three roos and a hen come in at dinner time and let me know to get cooking. I cook them fresh corn and scratch into a gruel at dinner and they all love it. One roo likes to go into my bedroom and see himself in my mirrored closet doors. I hear him go in and screech at the " other " roo in the "window" and then bonk into the glass. Dork. But the only problem I have with them coming in is like I said pooing on the beige carpet that we don't own. I may get diapers though. It is not uncommon for me to watch TV and doze off with a bird on my chest. There is something relaxing in holding a chicken. I think it is therapeutic. Thank you for listening to me ramble. Short of my very patient husband I don't have anyone else to really talk to and especially not about my beloved chickens. Begawky my beloved Game Hen Cross
Begawky is a beautiful bird! Chickens are definitely very therapeutic. I have read several posts from people saying that their chickens help with depression and loneliness. Chickens are easily the best pet I have ever owned. They are so sweet and full of personality.
@ChickenPeep Sorry for all of the questions, but I have another one. Sunni refuses to poop in her diaper. She keeps holding it until I take off the diaper. How do I get her to poop in the diaper? Do I just leave the diaper on until she poops, or just let her figure it out and not worry about it?

Okay, that's more than one question. :lol:
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@ChickenPeep Sorry for all of the questions, but I have another one. Sunni refuses to poop in her diaper. She keeps holding it until I take off the diaper. How do I get her to poop in the diaper? Do I just leave the diaper on until she poops, or just let her figure it out and not worry about it?

Okay, that's more than one question.
I've had chickens do that too! My goose STILL does that. She will poop in her diaper no problem, but she ALWAYS holds a little something wet and nasty back for the EXACT moment I take the diaper off, so it gets allllllll over my hands and sometimes the diaper. Little snot!

These 2 are in for the winter. I wanted to bring my ee in but she is with a different group now so hopefully she won't get picked on.

This is a dog kennel with a board for a perch. Cut to a little longer than the cage width and notch where the bars go in out just like a birdcage perch
Then you can wash the liner if they go to town on the paper and shred it. I like to go in with a hand broom and dustpan then take disinfectant wipes to wash, easy and clean.
@ChickenPeep Sorry for all of the questions, but I have another one. Sunni refuses to poop in her diaper. She keeps holding it until I take off the diaper. How do I get her to poop in the diaper? Do I just leave the diaper on until she poops, or just let her figure it out and not worry about it?

Okay, that's more than one question.
Chickens can be soooo stubborn. I have two that insist on laying in the flowerpot on the porch...neveryoumind that they have a wonderful set of three nestboxes in the coop with fresh hay. Oh and the three that do lay in there insist on using the same one. I have caught them standing on each other in it. Crazy birds.

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