people with house chickens

Hey everyone! Looks like I haven't caught up in the chat lately.
Ebony and all my birds are doing well. They are a little irritated with being cooped up all day while it's 25 degrees and windy outside, but I know they would rather sit in in warmth than endure the wind and cold. It's so funny, but my prissy girls can't stand the wind! I took them outside for a little while yesterday in the wind, and after five minutes I went to check on them and they were all huddled together in a clump.
Gotta love those girls.
I decided to give Ebony's diaper a try today. It didn't go so well. I took video and I'm going to upload it later. It's really hilarious!

This is my gorgeous house chicken Bluebelle, who in this pic is sunbathing on the sofa in my conservatory. I saved her from having her neck rung at about a year old as she has special needs and some health problems she chose to be inside and doesn't like another chickens as the always picked on her in the past although she loves to be outside either at the beach or on one of the footpath walks around my home. I saved her life and was there for her when she needed me and she helped me through one of the most difficult times when I was in employed and was suffering from depression

Yes he used to sleep in my bed and with a nappy on and he was a wierd lil chook he slept with his bum in the air and his neck stretched out and he snored haha although not as bad as Bluebelle !!!

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