people with house chickens

Good night from Rover!

of course thats only if he doesn't hear anyone having fun in the other rooms. then it will be CROW UNTIL YOU CRY night.:p
Kyle. That is an awesome setup! Beautiful birds as well!

Thank you soo much! they mean so much to us. countless hours (and dollars) have been spent to keep them healthy and happy. and I'm sure you know what I mean when i say It all feels worth it especially after a compliment like that. thanks again and i have to say your chicks are adorable! good luck with that fluffball, silkies are a handful :)
I love seeing everyones babys! Lurk says goodnight! Post your goodnight pictures everyone!

What a cutie! She's giving you the same "goodnight Mommy!" look that Sunni gives me every night.

Sterling will definitely be a house chicken!
And thank you!!! Sterling is my extra special baby, as he/she is the first one I've ever incubated/hatched. I was there to see him (I'll just say him from now on. Haha) come out of the egg, and it was an amazing moment for me. Since I don't ever plan to poison the earth with any human offspring, this is as close to one of those "proud fatherhood" moments as I'm ever gonna have. Haha.

Sterling came from some very highly awarded show stock, so I was pretty sure he'd come out gorgeous, but I'd love him even if he was 3 toed and cross-eyed

Losing babies is really really hard. I lost my black Serama and the little white baby Silkie within a couple of weeks of each other, so it was a real bummer. Sometimes they just don't make it, no matter what you do.

I don't plan on having human offpring either.
Just animal babies.

In May when I ordered Sunni and her sisters from Meyer Hatchery, I had oringinally ordered ten chickens. One of the Black Australorps arrived with severe Wry-Neck. I tried everything to save it, but the poor thing didn't make it through the night. I only had it for about 15 hours when it died, but it was still a very hard loss. It's so easy to become emotionally attached to those cute little balls of fluff.

I'm excited to see what Sterling will look like when he gets older!
Thank you soo much! they mean so much to us. countless hours (and dollars) have been spent to keep them healthy and happy. and I'm sure you know what I mean when i say It all feels worth it especially after a compliment like that. thanks again and i have to say your chicks are adorable! good luck with that fluffball, silkies are a handful :)

Thanks, Kyle!

Yeah, I totally know what you mean! Mine mean the world to me as well, and I try to give them the best of everything. Non-chicken people just don't get it, do they? "You mean... You let your chickens live IN the house??? And you actually let them sit on the couch? You cuddle with them??? That's weird, and gross. Don't they just poop everywhere? Chickens don't have feelings."

Etc, etc, etc.

It just rocks that there is a place for all us weird house chicken people, doesn't it? I love seeing all the pics, reading the stories, talking to all the awesome people on here who actually do get it.

We are part of a revolution, people! We are trailblazers! In a few years, I'm willing to bet that rich ladies in Beverly Hills will be carrying Seramas in Gucci diapers around in their Louis Vuitton handbags, and Petsmart will have a section just for the house chicken! Look out, crazy cat people; there's a new wave coming!


You're right. Impossible not to get emotionally attached to these little ones. No matter how short of a time they spend with us. I'll definitely keep everyone updated on Sterling as he grows :)
Opps! I poisoned the earth with 2 fine human beings. But despite my faults, I love my rescued Sheltie, and 3 rescued felines and I love them all to pieces, including my 4 lovely girls, who have graced us with eggs everyday, even though it is below freezing.
Opps! I poisoned the earth with 2 fine human beings.  But despite my faults, I love my rescued Sheltie, and 3 rescued felines and I love them all to pieces, including my 4 lovely girls, who have graced us with eggs everyday, even though it is below freezing.

I'm sure you haven't poisoned the earth! Haha! I was referring to if I ever reproduced. Nobody wants that, trust me :p

I've got a rescue feline, and a rescue corgi mix (in addition to my wonderfully sweet and amazing Pit Bull). I'd like to think I've raised them well, although it seems like all I do is spoil them. Haha.

We animal lovers are a special breed :D
hey I have a Belgian Bearded D'Anver in my home. her name is Muffy :) the breeder was going to cull her since she's 3 and no longest producing and asked if I wanted her. she's amazing! goes to work with me everyday, loves car rides! I make her little sweaters, and I order diapers from my friend rosa who makes the best diapers! heres her fb page if your interested in the diapers I think they r $15 each

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