people with house chickens

If my memory serves me right, she's about 10 or 11 weeks. She and the little Silkie I hatched are best buddies. I can't pick one up without the other getting upset. Haha.
I'm going through a hard time right now. My RSL Fluffers is very sick and I don't know if there's much I can do for her. She's weak and wobbly and won't eat. She sleeps every second she gets.
Please pray for her.
Can someone post a pic of their seramas? I want an idea of how big they are...

The one in the back (Hercules is a Serama/Banty mix) the one on the front, Andre (for Andre the Giant) is a full Serama (roo)+. He's 8 weeks old and when he stands is the height of a can of coke...he's tiny! He's starting to crow and it sounds like "EEeeeeee.....EEeeeee" completely silly! And he thinks he such a tough guy.

I will see if I can upload a picture of him standing that will give a better idea of how tiny he is.
He is really the pickiest chicken ever.

I just gave him mealworms and forage cake for the first time. He started making his happy noises with the worms, but after a few he left them. I brought in the cake, he pecked it and shook his head.
Maybe I should just stick with corn and bread as treats.
He is really the pickiest chicken ever.

I just gave him mealworms and forage cake for the first time. He started making his happy noises with the worms, but after a few he left them. I brought in the cake, he pecked it and shook his head.
Maybe I should just stick with corn and bread as treats.
Sunni used to be like that too. Now she eats and loves everything.
Finn is sooo cute ;) does he like being in his blanket? Marilyn hates it.

Marilyn is still hanging on and eats less and less. I cannot torture her and tube feed her anymore. She threw up the last time I did it and I didnt even give her very much. She is wasting away, but still ornery. Knows what she likes to eat for sure. Instant flavored oatmeals, grapes, bananas, and mac n cheese. I give her crumbles mixed in with the oatmeal and chick grit too. I keep her warm, clean and cuddled frequently. She won't eat unless I hand feed her or with the oatmeal give her a cpl good bites then she will eat. I have to feed her 4-6 times a day bec she wont eat much at a time. I pray she passes in her sleep and knows how much I love her :(

My broody Helen is doing well incubating the silkie eggs. My silkie hen is so calm and sweet, but I'm tellin you her bf Russell is soo jealous if I pick her up and not him! Baths tomorrow lol he got poo on her back doing the naughty with her...I had to have a talk with him abt that lol Our kitten loves to stalk and tease Russell it is :lauerical

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