people with house chickens

I appreciate the info esp about on the chichi's. She is only 4# and I sure do worry abt her. Her dental issues started when the breeder fed her wet
cat food all the time! She didn't want to eat hard food when sis first got her! Now she steals from my BIG dog. (When he isn't looking) We rescued the chi
from my sis because she wouldn't take her to the vet to help get rid of the fleas that were sucking her blood! Our big dog because he was a black lab senior citizen of 7 yrs old! Never been an indoor dog but is now...he gets the little sofa and the tiny dog demands the large sofa lmbo!
Yep, sounds like a Chi. They honestly think they're mastiffs!
The leader of our house? The 18+ year old forever foster. My dane / pittie mix is terrified of her!

If she has any skin issues come up - allergy based with lots of itching - let me know. It's very common to the breed too and there's a brand new med that just came out a couple weeks ago. My little long haired guy was the first in the vet's office to try it. Miracle drug, seriously! He'll be on it for life, but it totally stopped the itching.

Hey everyone.
Sorry I haven't been on much in the last few weeks, my hen Fluffers got very sick and I was extremely busy taking care of her. She didn't make it. It's been a sad week.
I'm so sorry. Losing them is so hard. RIP Fluffers.
I am so, so sorry about Marilyn. I know you loved her very much. Sometimes it takes the greater strength to just let them go. I hope you weren't all by yourself. That is such a gift of love when there is just nothing else to do.

Hi all just wanted to share a pic with you all of my girls on their afternoon outings. These three are my house chickens and live mostly inside although they have a coop and run of their very own outside as well. Today was such a lovely day I took them to play in their run. I planted some pasture "chicken blend omega 3" for them to eat when they play outside. Although they were pretty well scared at first they seem to settle in and enjoy their playtime outside.finally having some nice weather I took advantage and let my girls play. More and more they will be playing outside as the weather permits. But come inside to sleep. This is peep peepers and penny having fun outside today.

Hi all just wanted to share a pic with you all of my girls on their afternoon outings. These three are my house chickens and live mostly inside although they have a coop and run of their very own outside as well. Today was such a lovely day I took them to play in their run. I planted some pasture "chicken blend omega 3" for them to eat when they play outside. Although they were pretty well scared at first they seem to settle in and enjoy their playtime outside.finally having some nice weather I took advantage and let my girls play. More and more they will be playing outside as the weather permits. But come inside to sleep. This is peep peepers and penny having fun outside today.
Lucky girls! We still have 2 ft of snow here. As soon as we get some nice weather, I would like to take Sunni outside and let her spend the day running around. We got a few hours of sunshine the other day, and she loved it. She has a brown dog bed that she loves to take "dirt baths" on, and she laid on that bed in the sun for over an hour. It was adorable.
Ooh that sounds so cute! Yes the girls ended up really having fun. At first they were so scared being inside birds. But then they relaxed and played! I sadly can't let them free range in my yard ever because I live smack in the middle of several hawk nests. They spot my girls right away. They are always flying over head. I brought one of the girls out on the grass and thought my presence would keep the Hawks away but it didn't we almost got attacked by a small one. Luckily my husband was out side as well and he screamed look out and I scooped up my girl so fast turned around and they're was the hawk! It was not even fearful of me! So that was the very last time I let a girl out on the grass. They only get to play in a cover and protected run from now on. I just can't chance loosing one to one of the hawks. I have a nice large area and wish I could let them roam but a day does not go by that I don't have a hawk flying over head. . But I think they are just as happy to play in their run. As the weather permits they will be playing they're most of the day now and coming inside to sleep. I think they don't mind the arrangements. They have a room of their very own inside my house . We all call it "the girls room". Sleeping inside this way they are also protected from the many nocturnal predators we have around here like possums ,raccoons, skunks, and foxes.
Thank you! It's actually a chicken forage blend omega 3 I planted from peaceful valley. You can get a pound of these grasses for only 3 dollars! ! You can even plant it in pots or flats for the chickens! Here's what's in it.rye grass, buckwheat, flax, strawberry clover, alfalfa, white clover, red clover, and broadleaf trefoil. It's super easy to grow. They sell the flats for planting too for about 2 dollars! You can move the flats around where ever you want them! My girls love this grass blend! You can grow it in pots inside the house as well and just bring it out too the chickens when it pops up! You can read about it if you go to peaceful valley farm and garden supply online. Then in the search look up omega 3 chicken forage blend. They ship rather quickly and it's a fun healthy treat for the girls! As you can see mines not all the way sprouted yet but when it all comes up its beautiful thick grass and clover! For 3 dollars you can't go wrong!! :)
Iluvcks: My daughter says she KNOWS my three will end up back in the house again even after they have graduated to a coop of their own! I deny it, but she just laughs at me! I wonder why???? I must admit, I did say, "I don't want another cat! It'll stay outside where she came from! I can just give her water. I can't let her starve! It's going to be SO COLD tonight, and lonely, and I can't let her freeze and die all alone when she's so little!" (All separate quotes.) Hubby says I have a big flashing neon sign on my forhead that says, "SUCKER."
Anyway, I've always loved fuzzy butts. Now I think I may also be falling in love with fluffy butts! LOL!!!

My daughter still lives in Southwest Michigan with my new grandson and her man. I will be visiting up ther in a few weeks lol
@Realsis : I had the same idea about planting foraging grasses for my "kids" the other day when I had them out playing in the
yard. Because our "yard" is pard of our woods its frequently covered with leaves, so I raked and prepared to thow down some
seed after raking with the garden rake. All I could find at the store was the usual kinds of seed and vegetable seed along with
wheat grass. I will decoratively put down my variety of lettuces, spinach, and other veggies for the kids. I will start MY garden
after I return from Michigan. I have a container garden to start this year. I plan to put the wheat grass in one of my side flower beds
that hasn't been used in a while. I will check out the omega 3 chicken forage...

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